Criteria Wise SAR
(Approved by NCTE & Affiliated to M.D. University, Rohtak)
NAAC ‘B+’ Graded
Tika Ram College of Education, Sonepat was established in the year 1975 by Tika Ram Education Society Sonepat with a well defined motive of serving the society by contributing to quality teacher education. The society is running six other institutions-two P.G. Colleges, Two Senior Secondary Schools, One Primary School and One Model School. The college was started with a purpose to give quality teacher education to the urban and rural graduates of the surrounding areas to meet the growing need of education and to prepare perspective teachers for global society. The college is grant-in-aid institution from government of Haryana. The college has a well equipped, furnished library with internet and reproduction facilities. ICT lab, Psychology lab, Science lab and Language lab are well equipped with latest equipments to make the students communication effective.
The college has a national level athletic track and a ground for sports. The institution is well equipped with all basic amenities. The institution has a well planned administrative and academic web for smooth and efficient functioning of the programme. In this regard, various committees have been constituted comprising minimum three faculty members. These committees include – Discipline Committee, Cultural Committee, Examination, Sports Committee, Grievance-Redressal Cell, Skill-in-teaching Committee, Purchase Committee, Library Committee, Academic Affairs Committee and Student Welfare Committee etc. Students also contribute their efforts in administration and academic aspects of the institution as there are separate sections of committees comprising B.Ed. and M.Ed. students which work together with committees of teacher educators for the progress of the institution and quality improvement of the programme. Research work, co-curricular and extra curriculum activities are the backbone of the institution. To achieve the goal in this field, institution puts efforts through organizing different programmes and activities to achieve these goals. All round development of perspective teachers is targeted. The mission of the institution is to develop a teacher education programme which enables the perspective teachers-ICT efficient with Indian values in their hearts. The institution has a firm faith that a well planned and organized programme, quality faculty with job satisfaction and enthusiastic group of students can enrich the institutional academic excellence.
Criteria 1 : Curricular Aspects
1.1 Curricular Design and Development
1. State the objectives of the Institution and the major considerations addressed by them? (Intellectual, Academic, Training, Access to the Disadvantages, Equity, Self development, Community and National Development, Issue of ecology and environment, Value Orientation, Employment, Global trends and demands, etc.)
Established in 1975, Tika Ram College of Education, Sonepat is one of the best institute of Teacher Education in Haryana. The institution has its clear, distinct and community oriented objectives:
a) To develop and promote the capabilities and universal values in the student teachers needed for cohesion and welfare of society and nation.
b) To motivate student teachers to become more concerned, generous and sensitive.
c) To inspire and enable the student teachers to integrate the information & communication technology with Indian philosophy for a quality academic environment.
d) To provide motivation, enthusiasm & teaching learning environment to the student teachers for proper professional growth.
e) To develop interest and involve the student teachers in community activities.
f) To prepare student teachers with emotional integrity, intellectual ability, morality and social commitment.
g) To provide quality education for the empowerment of weaker section of the society.
2. Specify the various steps in the curricular development prove. (Need assessment, development of information database pertaining to the feedback from faculty, students, alumni, employers and academic experts and formalizing the decisions in statutory academic bodies).
The curriculum is prescribed and developed by the regulatory statuary bodies i.e. M.D. University, Rohtak and NCTE. The modifications made by these competent authorities are brought to the action. Hence the institution has no direct role in curriculum development process. However the institution has established a committee of experts at college level to review the present curriculum. The committee invites the views and suggestions about the existing curriculum of the course from faculty, students, members of alumni association, teachers and heads of practice teaching schools, academic experts and members of management. After analyzing and evaluating the feedback, the suggestions are communicated through the Head of the Institution to the University for modifications in the curriculum.
3. How are the global trends in teacher education reflected in the curriculum and existing courses modified to meet the emerging needs?
The global trends in teacher education programmes are reflected in many directions. Role of teacher educator and student-teacher now becoming more important due to the global trends and emerging needs of school children. Inclusion of topics of global importance like equality, equity, social cohesion, women education, computer application, environment awareness etc. make the curriculum more relevant. By integrating the traditional methodology with new technology like smart class rooms, we prepare the to be students more confident, creative & independent to face the new world. Programme includes micro-teaching, simulation teaching, team teaching, real teaching, programmed learning, preparation of audio-visual aids, preparation of computer based instructional programmes etc. Programme also includes practical work, project work, field work and research work on emerging topics like social freedom of women, inclusive education, use of ICT, value education etc so that pupil teachers prepare themselves for incoming generation. Value based co-curriculum activities also encourage the student-teachers to groom their personality.
4. How does the institution ensure that the curriculum bears some thrust on national issues like environment, value education and ICT?
The curriculum of education programme bears thrust on national issues like women empowerment, Human rights, Equality and Equity, Secularism, National integration, Women education, inclusive education, Environment awareness. Social Cohesion, Value education and information communication technology etc. Various activities like celebration of various events, days, festivals, extension activities, women cell activities etc. also ensure the results in thrust area.
5. Does the institution make use of ICT for curricular planning? If yes give details.
Yes, the institution makes use of ICT for curricular planning as faculty members use various projectors (overhead projector, slide projector, LCD) to deliver day to day lectures and motivate to students-teachers to use the same in skill-in-teaching programmes. Students also use technological devices to prepare their work experience, project work and research work etc.
1.2 Academic Flexbility
1. How does the institution attempt to provide experiences to the students so that teaching becomes a reflective practice ?
The institution attempts to provide experiences to the students to make teaching a reflection practice in the following ways:
a) Institution provides a wide variety of learning situation to the student-teachers according to the need and requirements of curriculum, profession, society and nation.
b) Teacher educators use technological devices with traditional methods while teaching.
c) Discussion, seminars, workshops, extension lectures and excursion trips etc. are organized by the institution so that students have direct experiences in different direction of life.
d) The institution provides a platform for student-teachers to participate in various literacy, cultural and community service practices.
2. How does the institution provide for adequate flexibility and scope in the operational curriculum for providing varied learning experiences to the students both in the campus and in the field ?
The institution provides a wide variety of learning experiences to the students for effective implementation of curriculum. Institution organize various curricular and co-curricular activities to provide varied learning experiences to the students both in the campus and in the fields like sports, community work, tutorials, project work/field work in the curriculum of B.Ed. and M.Ed.
3. What value added courses have been introduced by the institution during the last three years which would for example: Develop communication skills (verbal & written), ICT skill, Life skills, Community orientation, Social responsibility etc.
In the institution there is a provision of different activities to develop communication skills, ICT skills, Community orientation, Life skills and Social responsibility skills among the students as :
* Work shops.
* Extension lectures
* Community service
* Celebration of different festivals
* Use of Language Lab
* Organization of different curricular and co-curricular activities.
* Counseling Services
* Visit to Koshish ( an institute for education of mentally challenged students)
i) Interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary
The teacher education is a programme with interdisciplinary/Multidisciplinary approach. There are various fields of specialization as Educational Psychology, Philosophy, Technology, Sociology with so many different skills like blackboard writing, communication, use of computer and work experiences. These all are interrelated.
ii) Multi-skill development
Institution provides an opportunity to the student teachers for developing various skills with the help of various subjects including theory and practical. It include communication skills, teaching skills, writing skills, preparation of teaching aids, gardening, interior decoration & technical skills etc.
iii) Inclusive Education
Inclusive Education is a compulsory paper in B.Ed. course as well as optional paper in M.Ed. course namely special education, Syllabus of this paper includes meaning, principles, models, national policy, special education needs(SEN) & individualized educational plan (IEP) etc.
iv) Practice Teaching
As B.Ed. course is a teacher training course, so practice teaching is a very important component of this programme. Every student teacher has to complete 15 days of pre-practice teaching and 40 days of practice teaching. Following are the steps which are adopted by the institution in this regard:
a) At primary level micro skills like introduction of lesson, narration, questioning, stimulus variation etc are practiced by the student-teachers through micro teaching lessons.
b) Demonstration lessons are delivered by the subject expert teacher in each subject.
c) 10 micro lessons, 10 simulated lessons, 40 real teaching lessons and 5 discussion lessons of two teaching subjects are prepared and delivered by each student teacher in B.Ed. programme.
d) M.Ed. students observe the teaching of B.Ed. students for their field work.
v) School experience/Internship
During the course, there is a provision of theoretical paper regarding school management; in this paper student teachers are given knowledge about the different aspects of school experience like library, management of school records, co-curricular activities & timetable etc. During teaching practice, pupil-teachers are required to organize morning assembly , maintain attendance records, make arrangement of man and material resource for learning, frame time table and get knowledge about school leaving certificate. They also learn about evaluation process. M.Ed. students are required to make observations of school experience, for their field work.
vi) Work experience/SUPW
Course curriculum have the provision to develop different skills through various work experience subjects. Each B.Ed. student is required to opt two work experiences out of different optional work experiences mentioned in the syllabus. These options includes different project work like interior decoration, out reach programme, SSA, Polio Drop Drive recycling of woste paper, Parent teacher meeting, Mid-day meal. Apart from this, the students are encouraged to participate in various activities like sports activities, celebrations of different National and International days, cultural activities and community activities etc.
1.3 Feedback on Curriculum
1. How does the institution encourage feedback and communication from the Students, Alumni, Employers, Community, Academic peers and other stakeholders with reference to the curriculum ?
The institution communicates and receives feedback from students, Alumni, Employers, Community, Academic peers and other stakeholders regarding curriculum. For this purpose institution receives feedback from students with the help of feedback performa through which student teachers rate the complete course and the curriculum of various subjects. The feedback is also given by the alumni and other community members in the meetings organized by the institution from time to time. Suggestion box available in college campus is the another tool where student teachers can put there suggestions regarding curriculum. Employers of the institution also participate indirectly in improvement ofr curriculum by giving their suggestions.
2. Is there a mechanism for analysis and use of the outcome from the feedback to review and identify areas for improvement and the changes to be brought in the curriculum ? If yes give details on the same.
All the subject expert teacher educators of the institution receive feedback and suggestions given by pupil teachers in their regular classes. Academic committee of the institution analyses the suggestions received from community members and other stakeholders time to time. The committee also analyses the suggestions given by the pupil teachers on feedback performa.
Various suggestions are collected and framed properly and forwarded to the university and concern departments for necessary action.
3. What are the contributions of the institution to curriculum development ? (Member of BDS/ sending timely suggestions, feedback, etc.)
Principal of the institution and a senior teaching faculty member have been nominated as the members of Board of studies in faculty of education, M.D. University, Rohtak , one teaching faculty member is the member of Academic Council. They attend the meeting which are held in the university regarding curriculum development and give suggestions for the modification in the curriculum. 1.4 Curriculum Update
1. Which courses have undergone a major curriculum revision during the last five years ? How did these changes contribute to quality improvement and student satisfaction ? (Provide details of only the major changes in the content that have been made).
Curriculum upgradation is done by the university as and when required, since the curriculum regulatory body of B.Ed. and M.Ed. course is M.D. University. Revision in curriculum has been done by the university in 2010-11 to meet the changing needs of teacher training program. Two new subjects – “Inclusive Education‟ and „Curriculum Construction and School Management‟ has been introduced. Major changes are made in work experiences and project works.
2. What are the strategies adopted by the institution for curriculum revision and update ? (need assessment, student input, feedback from practicing schools etc.)
Institution is very particular to get regular feedback from the student teachers and from the practice teaching schools for curriculum revision and update. Institution also get feedback from college alumni and community members. The feedback in the form of suggestions are collected, analyses and institution made necessary action for modifications of the curriculum. 1.5 Best Practices in Curricular Aspects
1. What is the quality sustenance and quality enhancement measures undertaken by the institution during the last five years in curricular aspects ?
Institution organized various curricular as well as co-curricular activities in college campus and out side the college for quality sustenance and quality enhancement in curricular aspects. Pupil teachers participate in different activities like sports, cultural, extension activities, women cell activities, celebration of festivals of national and social importance in addition to theory and practical classes. They also participate in community services.
What innovations/best practices in „Curricular Aspects‟ have been planned/implemented by the institution ?
The institution tries its best for the effective implementation of all curricular and co-curricular activities. Practices in curricular aspects are implemented as follows :
The various activities regarding curricular and co-curricular aspects are planned by the institution in the beginning of the session.
Extra classes for SEN students.
More practice of micro and mega lessons.
Use of ICT in day to day lectures.
Use of language lab for development of better communication skills.
Conduct of workshops, seminars, competitions regarding project work/work experiences.
Visit to libraries of other institutions and university for research work.
Research papers developed by M.Ed. students published in Research Journal.
Criterian II : Teaching Learning and Education
1. Admission Process and Student Profile
1. Give details of the admission processes and admission policy (criteria for admission adherence to the decisions of the regulatory bodies, equity, access, transparency,etc.) of the institution ?
Admissions in B.Ed. course are regulated by any one of the two universities of state Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra (2008-09 and 2010-11 & 2012-13) & M.D. University, Rohtak (2007-08, 2009-10 & 2011-12). Students of general class who have 50% marks in graduation or post graduation and students of SC and ST group who have 45% marks in graduation and post graduation are eligible to apply for admission in B.Ed.course through online. Admissions are made through online counselling. Admissions in M.Ed. course are conducted and regulated by the M.,D. University, Rohtqak. Eligible students (General class 50% in B.Ed. and SC & ST 45% in B.Ed.) are admitted on merit basis of entrance test conducted by the university. University allot the college of education to the candidate by their prior filled choices and merit in both the courses. However, document verification is done in the institution by admission committee comprising four teaching staff members and two non-teaching faculty members/ as per norms laid by regulatory body.
The institution strictly implements the admission procedure and fee structure notified by the admission regulatory body. It is quite a transparent system of admission.
2. How are the programmes advertised? What information is provided to prospective students about the programs through the advertisement and prospectus or other similar material of the institution?
For both of the courses B.Ed. admission programming is advertised by either M.D. University, Rohtak or Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra through newspaper as well as on their website ( For M.Ed., admission programme is advertised by M.D.U., Rohtak through newspapers and on its website ( . The prospectus is also prepared by the university and displayed on concern website. The prospectus contains all the information regarding admission, reservation policy, about the affiliated colleges fee structure and other related information about the courses.
3. How does the institution monitor admission decisions to ensure that the determined admission criteria and equitably applied to all applicants?
All admissions in both the courses i.e. B.Ed. and M.Ed. are regulated by the university in centralized form.
4. Specify the strategies if any, adopted by the institution to retain the diverse student population admitted to the institution. (E.g. individuals of diverse economic, cultural,
religious, gender, linguistic, backgrounds and physically challenged).
The institution provides a democratic and secular environment to all the students irrespective of cast religion, gender, culture, language etc. However, there a provision of fee concession for economically weaker students of particular group (only SC & ST students) by the university/Govt. of Haryana. All the students including physically challenged get a supportive environment in every curricular and co-curricular activity in the institution so that they can develop their personality up to maximum extent.
5. Is there a provision for assessing student’s knowledge/needs and skills before the commencement of teaching programmes?
If yes give details on the same. Yes, the institution has the provisions for assessing students knowledge/need and skills before the commencement of teaching programmes:
1. At the beginning of every academic session, the institution organizes four days orientation programme in which student teachers have an opportunity to get the knowledge about the course content and share their views with teacher educator.
2. Every year the institution organizes a talent search programme of two days. It has various segments like introduction of the student, interest area, performance by the pupil teacher, interaction etc. It facilitates the institution to judge the knowledge, skill and needs of the student teachers.
2.2 Catering to Diverse Needs
1. Describe how the institution works towards creating an overall environment conducive to learning and development of the students?
The institution is committed to prepare teachers with missionary spirit, a responsible citizen with the capacity of efficient leadership and critical thinking. Hence all the efforts are made to provide environment conducive to learning and development of the students.
1) Institution provides all the necessary infrastructural facilities for all round development of students for example : International level track, ground for other sports, science lab, Psychology lab, technology lab, language lab, well equipped work experience room, a seminar hall with ultra modern communication devices.
2) Instructional rooms are quite spacious and well equipped with smart boards.
3) Well equipped library.
4) Different audio visual aids are available as epidiascope, different projectors, models working and non-working models to develop the different skills of student –teachers.
5) Various cultural programmes are organized by the institution.
6) Subject’s wise seminar and workshops are organized twice in a month to give multi dimensional exposure to the pupil teachers.
2. How does the institution cater to the diverse learning needs of the students? The institution caters to the diverse learning needs of the students in the following ways:
a) By providing personal guidance.
b) By using various audio-visual aids like OHP, smart boards, LCD projectors etc.
c) By providing them multi dimensional exposure.
d) By organizing sector wise different activities as work drills, project activities, quiz competition etc.
e) By providing them direct learning experiences (educational tours trips etc.)
f) By taking extra classes for SEM students to satisfy their needs.
g) Orientation about education process.
3. What are the activities envisioned in the curriculum for student teachers to understand the role of diversity and equity in teaching learning process?
There is lot of diversity in the curriculum of these courses as different type of subjects are taught to the student –teachers such as educational Philosophy, Educational Psychology, Educational Technology and various teaching subjects like Hindi, English, Math‟s, Social Studies, Life Science and Physical Science etc. Diversity and equity in teaching learning process is also reflected through various activities regarding curriculum:
– Micro teaching, Mega teaching in simulation and real classroom teaching practice.
– Observation and discussion of demonstration lesson.
– Pedagogical content analysis.
– Observation and supervision at practice teaching.
– Work experiences, project works, extension lectures.
– Interaction and participation within community to develop social skills.
– Knowledge of different methods and skills of teaching.
– Knowledge of evaluation process.
4. How does the institution ensure that the teacher educators are knowledgeable and sensitive to cater to the diverse student needs?
– The entire team of faculty members are well qualified and well experienced. Out of five, three teaching faculty members have more than twenty (20) years of experience All faculty members are engaged in various academic activities to enhance their knowledge.
– As and when required faculty members get knowledge of new trends in education and different methodologies of teaching to cater the diverse needs of students.
– The institution provides opportunity to the teacher educators to attend and participate in various seminars, conferences and workshops etc. so that they can exchange their experiences with their peers and eminent educationists.
5. What are the various practices that help student teachers develop knowledge and skills related to diversity and inclusion and apply them effectively in classroom situations?
The institution provides a wide variety of such practices which enable student –teachers to be knowledgeable and skilled teachers with human values:
- Organization of different cultural activities as celebration of national and social festivals, celebration of different day of national and international importance etc.
- Organization of seminars, workshops etc.
- School experience-real classroom teaching
- Provide opportunity to develop required teaching skills.
- Feedback by the heads of the practicing school.
- Different responsibilities are assigned to student-teachers related to day to day functioning of institution.
2.3 Teaching-Learning Process
1. How does the institution engage students in “active learning”?
(Use of learning resources such as library, web site, focus group, individual projects, simulation, peer teaching, role-playing , internships, practicum, etc.)
The institution has engaged student teachers in active learning with the help of different resources available in the institution:
* All the student teachers are divided into small groups for micro, mega teaching lessons.
* Individual and group assignments are given regularly.
* Student-teachers are motivated for interaction in peer groups and with teacher educators.
* Student-teachers are motivated/encouraged to use technical devices for teaching practice.
* Library facilities are available for student-teachers, .
* Institution has its well equipped IT lab and students are encouraged to use internet regularly.
* Student teachers are required to prepare two project works on community survey.
2. How is “learning “made student-centered? Give a list of the participatory learning to self-management of knowledge, and skill development by the students?
Keeping in view the student centered learning, the institution organizes different learning activities:
* Learning is made through student centered method as discussion method, problem solving method, learning by doing method etc.
* Student teachers are motivated to present paper on different topics in every subject.
* Seminars on various compulsory papers are organized to develop desirable skills.
* Slogan writing, quiz contest, poster making, essay writing competition etc are some of the activities which are organized by the institution to develop different skills among student-teachers.
* Student-teachers are motivated to organize activities as fresher‟s party of farewell party, one day trip in which every arrangement are done by the student teacher.
* Student teachers and motivated to visit library regularly to keep them updated by reading newspapers, magazine, journals, periodicals etc.
* Student teachers are motivated to use language lab and computer assist learning.
* Student-teachers are also members of different committees.
3. What are the instructional approaches (various models of teachings used) and experiences provided for ensuring effective learning? Detail any innovative approach/method develop and/used.
Various strategies have been adopted by the institution to ensure effective learning of students which include Glaser‟s basic teaching model, Concept attainment model etc.
4. Does the institution have a provision for additional training in models of teaching?
If yes, provide details on the models of teaching and number of lessons given by each student. Theoretical information regarding different teaching models is imparted through the course in Educational Technology. These models are also adopted by teacher educators to provide the instruction to the students. But there is no such provision for providing additional training in different models of teaching.
5. Does the student teachers use micro-teaching technique for developing teaching skills?
If yes, list the skills practiced and number of lessons given by each student per skill. It is compulsory to all the student-teachers to use micro teaching technique for developing teaching skills. Before the commencement of the real teaching practice, every student-teacher have to practiced at least five micro teaching lessons based on any five skills in each subject. List of skills are as follows:
* Skill of introducing the lesson.
* Skill of Probing questions.
* Skill of illustrating with examples.
* Skill of explanation.
* Skill of Stimulus Variation.
* Skill of reinforcement.
* Skill of class-room management.
* Skill of map-reading.
* Skill of chalk-board writing.
Student-teachers practice a particular skill till they gain mastery over the skill. 6. Detail the process of practice teaching in schools, (Lessons a student gives per day, lessons observed by the teacher educators, peers/school teacher, feedback mechanism, monitoring mechanisms of lesson plans, etc.). The detailed process of practice teaching school is as follows:
* Identification and selection of school for practice teaching.
* Students are divided into groups and school is assigned.
* Teaching practice session at the school lasts for 40 days in which student-teacher deliver 40 lessons in her/his two respective teaching subjects (2 lessons per day). In addition to it, 10 simulated lessons and 5 discussion lessons are delivered by each trainee.
* Each pupil-teacher makes observations of 32 lessons in his/her peer teaching groups.
* Pupil-teachers give feedback to their peers on the basis of observation of lessons.
* Teacher-educators supervise and evaluate the all programme and give feedback and suggestions to pupil-teachers to improve their teaching.
* Feedback and suggestions are also given by school teachers and need of the school to motivate the pupil-teachers.
7. Describe the process of Block Teaching/Internship of students in vogue. Block teaching is carried out in the following phases :
1. Explanation and demonstration of micro skills.
2. Demonstration lesson by teacher educator.
3. Practice of micro teaching skills by students teachers.
4. Practice of mega lesson in simulation.
5. Discussion lesson and observation lessons in per group.
6. Real teaching practice in schools.
7. Discussion lessons.
The institution does not adopt such process as there is not a provision of such process in B.Ed. or M.Ed. courses and there is no such the type of guidelines in university calendar of activity. 8. Are the practice teaching sessions/plans developed in partnership, co-operatively involving the school staff and mentor teachers? If yes give details on the same.
The practice teaching session are developed with co-operation of school staff as well as mentor teachers. School teachers are consulted regarding distribution of the sections and classes to the pupil-teachers, syllabus to be covered, maintaining discipline during practice teaching. The teacher and the head of the school also observe the teaching of the pupil-teachers, and give feedback and suggestions to improve them.
9. How do you prepare the student teachers for managing the diverse learning needs of students in school?
The institution prepares the student teachers for managing the diverse learning needs of students in the school by following activities:
1. Teacher educators provide the theoretical as well as practical knowledge of diverse learning needs of students.
2. Student-teachers get knowledge regarding micro-skill teaching.
3. The student-teachers are encouraged to prepare audio-visual aids like charts, models, slides, transparencies, power paint presentations etc.
4. The institution enables the student teachers to apply different methods of teaching.
5. Student-teachers also get feedback from the class students which help them to know about the diverse learning needs of these students.
10. What are the major initiatives for encouraging student teachers to use/adopt technology in practice teaching?
To make teaching more effective, student-teachers are well trained to use technological devices/equipments such as slide-projectors, LCD projector, OHP etc. Different types of charts, models, transparencies, graphs etc are also prepared by students-teachers. The student-teachers are encouraged to use these various devices during practice teaching.
4. Teacher Quality
1. Are the practice teaching plans developed in partnership, co-operative involving the school staff and mentor teachers? If yes give details.
Yes, the schedule of teaching practice is developed with the complete co-ordination of school staff and mentor teachers. In the beginning of the practice teaching at the school one day discussion session is arranged in which then School teachers are consulted regarding distribution of classes, syllabus to be covered and other aspects of the school and pupil teachers are asked to talk to the respective class incharges. If any problem arises during practice teaching, mentor teacher provides help to school staff and student teachers as well. School teachers also observe the lessons and give suggestions to pupil teachers and to teacher educator as well, so that improvements can be made. Head of the schools also gives feedback on feedback Performa regarding teaching practice session as teaching strategies of pupil teachers, use of audio-visual aids by pupil-teacher, discipline maintained etc.
2. What is the ratio of student teachers to identified practice teaching schools? Give the details on what basis the decision has been taken?
The ratio of student teachers to identified practice teaching school depends upon schools available for teaching practice, infrastructural facilities provided to student-teachers in school, number of classes given by the school and time duration given by the principal of the school to the pupil teachers for their teaching practice. Generally the ratio remains 1:22.
3. Describe the mechanism of giving feedback to the students and how it is used for performance improvement.
Institution adopted the mechanism of giving feedback to the students during teaching practice session at different stages. During micro teaching and mega teaching which are conducted in simulations, the teacher-educator and the peer provide feedback about the lesson presented by the student-teachers. Each student teacher makes observations of 32 lessons in his or her peer teaching group and give feedback to peers. During practice teaching teacher educators as mentor teacher supervise and evaluate the teaching of student teachers and give suggestions. Head of the school and teachers also provide their dynamic feedback during teaching practice.
4. How does the institution ensure that the student teachers are updated on the policy directions and educational needs of the schools?
Before the commencement of the real teaching practice, the institution invites head and one senior teacher from each school to deliver extension lecture regarding school policies and educational needs of school. Student teachers also visited the allotted school and make contact to their concern subject teachers and meet the school students to understand their needs.
5. How do the students and faculty keep pace with the recent developments in the school subjects and teaching methodologies?
The faculty keeps pace with the recent development in the school subjects by getting information‟s through newspapers, NCERT and SCERT journals, websites of NCERT and SCERT and by contact with local office of District Education Officer etc. Institution also organizes extension lectures, seminars on recent developments in school subjects and modern methodologies. Student teachers also take part in these lectures and seminars. They also get knowledge through discussion with faculty members, school staff and school students.
6. What are the major initiatives of the institution for ensuring personal and professional/career development of the teaching staff of the institution (training, organizing and sponsoring professional development activities, promotional policies, etc.)
* The institution provides internet access facility to the teachers to explore more learning material.
* Individual faculty rooms are provided to each teacher. Institution encourages and facilitates the teacher to undertake and complete the various research programmes like dissertation work of M.Ed., M.A. (Education) and M, .Phil students, writing and publishing of research papers, writing of books and articles etc.
– The Institution provides the opportunity to the faculty to attend and complete refresher courses and orientation courses.
– All the faculty members attend number of seminars, workshops and conference of state and national level and presented research papers at many times.
– Many research papers, written by faculty members have been published in national journals.
7.Does the institution have any mechanism to reward and motivate staff members for good performance?
If yes, give details. The Principal and managing committee recognize and reward the staff members for their good performance at the time of annual function. Positive feedback received from students, stakeholders and other community members, encourages faculty to do better in academics and co-curricular area. 2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms.
1.How are the barriers to student learning identified, communicated and addressed ?
(Conductive environment, infrastructure, access to technology, teacher quality, etc.)
Feedback from the students is received by the institution regarding quality of teachers, teaching learning process and infrastructural facilities etc. The barriers to student learning are identified also by the mentor, other faculty members and the Principal through discussion with the students‟ representatives. Suggestion box and the redressal committee also provide an extra space to student-teachers to share their views on different learning barriers. All information regarding learning barriers collected from different corners conveys to the Principal for necessary action.
2. Provide details of various assessment/evaluation processes (internal assessment, midterm and evaluations, external evaluation) used for assessing student learning ? The institution follows various assessment/evaluation processes for B.Ed. and M.Ed. courses.
Theory Papers
– Class tests, assignments are general classroom tools for the assessment in routine teaching sessions.
– Unit test, half yearly and pre-university examinations are conducted during the academic session and annual theory examinations are conducted by the university and externally evaluated.
Practice Teaching
– Practice teaching including micro teaching, simulated teaching, discussion lessons and school teaching practice is observed and evaluated by teachers of institution & finally by incharge. Final skill-in-teaching lessons are evaluated by an expert panel appointed by the M.D. University, Rohtak.
Project Work/ Work experience
– In B.Ed. course the sessional work selected to different projects and work experiences are prepared by student teachers under the guidance of concerned faculty members. The concerned faculty members observe and evaluate the work internally but finally evaluated externally by the expert appointed by the M.D. University. Only few subjects such as music, home science and yoga are evaluated internally.
– In M.Ed. course, students are to prepare field work regarding different psychological test and case studies and dissertation that is a form of research work, under the guidance of their guides and finally evaluated by both internal guide and external expert appointed by the university.
– In B.Ed. course, students are also assessed and given grades on basis of their participation in co-curricular activities.
2. How are the assessment/evaluation outcomes communicated and used in improving the performance of the students and curriculum transaction?
The assessment and evaluation out comes in unit tests, half yearly exams and pre university exams are communicated by the teachers in classes and also displayed on college notice board. Faculty provides feedback in practice teaching session time to time. Specific needs of low performing, average and excellent performing learners are identified through above mentioned assessment tools and teaching faculty arrange extra classes for needy students and special tasks for extra ordinary students for curriculum transaction.
4. How is ICT used in assessment and evaluation processes?
At the time of assessment and evaluation programme, students use ICT equipments as LCD projector, slide projector, OHP and different audio-visual aids in preparing lesson plans and to present the lessons. Students also use ICT in paper presentations. Question paper setting, result recording and analysis also done with the help of computers. 2.6 Best Practice
1. For teaching lecture method is supplemented with other methods as demonstration method, problem solving method, discussion method and survey method etc. ICT is the integral part of teaching learning process. Students use language lab to enhance their communication skill. Computer assits assignments are also provided to the students of different subjects. The evaluation is done not only on the basis of their conduct and participation in different co-curricular activities, so quantitative and qualitative both type of evaluation is adopted by the institution to assess the students.
2. All the faculty members use technology to support the traditional teaching methods. They use LCD projector, OHP, slide projector, different models and charts etc to deliver the lectures as and when required. They use activity based, project based and student‟s center strategies in their classroom i.e. seminars, discussions, quiz, project method, problem solving method, brain storming and report writing etc for content transaction. Institution has the facility of smart boards which make the instruction process more effective and interesting.
Additional Information Observations
1. Teachers combine lecture method with discussion and seminars for curriculum transaction.
2. Class assignments are given and feedback is provided to students.
3. The college has a well defined mechanism for self-evaluation of teachers.
4. The class tests and term tests provide feedback to students and teachers.
5. A number of methods are used for inculcation of values is done through proper forms of value education.
6. The college sponsors its students to various competitions and programmes.
7. The college is able to make its impact belt on all the consumer in the catchment area is which its functions.
8. The college undertakes various confidence building programmes before the students are sent to schools.
9. The college has evinced very good performance in university examinations.
10. All the teachers of the college have shown active involvement in different programmes organized by the college.
11. Peer evaluation of teachers has not been introduced in the college.
Actions Taken:
– Self assessment report of each teacher is obtained through ACR Performa in which every employee provides information regarding his/her work and conduct during that particular session. Head of the institution write observations and remarks on it and forwards it to the president, governing body that approves it.
– Teacher’s assessment is also done by peers also at the time of demonstrations lessons and seminars etc. Feedback is provided in these sessions to each teacher for motivation and improvement.
– The institution has enhanced its infrastructural and learning facilities to provide a conductive environment to the students and teachers and to meet the emerging needs of teacher education.
– Teachers provide learning to the students through power point presentations and with the help of smart boards.
– Before the commencement of teaching practice session, demonstration lesson is also delivered by teachers of school on different subjects.
– Student teachers use ICT for preparation of lesson plan and to deliver the lectures.
– Institution organizes seminars and workshops on different topics at college level to enhance the learning of students.
Criterion III: Research, consultancy and Extension
3.1 Promotion of Research
1. How does the institution motivate its teachers to take up research in education?
The institution always motivates its teachers to take up research work. They are encouraged to participate in seminars, conferences and to present papers on different emerging issues in teacher education. Many research papers are published in national and international Journals. There is a compulsory paper of research work (dissertation) in M.Ed. course. Every faculty member has to guide seven M.Ed. students for their dissertation work. 2. What are the thrust areas of research prioritized by the institution? The main areas of research prioritized by the institution are:-
– Evaluation system
– Socio-Emotional climate of school
– Methodology of teaching
– Use of ICT in Education
– Child psychology – social, emotional, personal issues.
3. Does the institution encourage Action Research? If yes give details on some of the major outcomes and the impact.
Action research is a unit in different papers of the Syllabi of B.Ed course in theory paper. Student teachers have taken up action research during teaching practice session, which mainly focused on immediate class-room problems, needs of the teachers and their solution, discipline, regarding hand writing, inefficiency in
performance etc. Major outcomes are forwarded to the teachers, head masters and higher authorities of Education department.
4. Give details of the Conference/Seminar/Workshop attended and/organized by the faculty members in last five years. Following are the details of seminars/conferences/workshops attended by the faculty members in last five years:-
– Dr. Balvir Singh, Dr. S.S. Rana, Dr. Indu Rathee and Dr. Yashpal Singh Deswal have attended „International Conference‟ on Teacher Education at Ghaziabad on 29-30 Dec, 2008 organized by All India Association of Teacher Education.
– Dr. S.S. Rana, Dr. Indu Rathee, Dr. Yashpal Singh Deswal and Dr. Ranju Malik have attended national seminar on Education for Human Rights and Values in India organized at Hindu College of Education, Sonepat.
– Dr. Yashpal Singh Deswal and Dr. Ranju Malik have attended National Seminar on “Need and Role of Inclusive Eduation at Gaur Brahman College of Education, Rohtak.
– Dr. S.S. Rana has attended National Seminar on „Mathematics‟ at T.R. Girls P.G. College, Sonepat.
– Dr. Ranju Malik has attended one day National Seminar Workshop on “Role of Women in Disaster Preparedness” organized by All India Foundation for Peace and Disaster Management at Kanya Mahavidalya, Kharkhoda, Sonepat.
– Dr. Ranju Malik has attended National Seminar on “Inclusive Education in India” at Vikramaditya College of Education, Morkheri, Rohtak.
– Dr. Yashpal Singh Deswal participated in training programme “Innovative Teachers Training Modalities” organized by NCERT at State Institute of Education, Chandigarh.
– Dr. Balvir Singh, Dr. S.S. Rana, Dr. Indu Rathee, Dr. Yashpal Singh Deswal and Dr. Ranju Malik have participated in Two day Orientation Programme on “National Curriculum Framework” at Dept. of Education.
– Dr. Ranju Malik has participated in National Workshop on “Use of Multimedia Software in ICT and its integration in Education” at C.R. College of Education, Rohtak.
– Dr. Yashpal Singh Deswal has attended a training programme on “Yoga” organized by Patanjali Yog Samiti.
– Dr. Balvir Singh, Dr. S.S. Rana, Dr. ((Mrs.)) Indu Rathee, Dr. Yashpal Singh Deshwal, Dr. ((Mrs.)) Ranju Malik participated in Two day Orientation Programme of National Curriculum Framework organized by Dept. of Education, M.D.University, Rohtak on 26, 27 Feb., 2011.
– Dr. Yashpal Singh Deswal & Dr. ((Mrs.)) Ranju Malik participated in National Workshop on “Use of Multimedia Software in ICT and its integration in Education” at C.R. College of Education, Rohtak on 28, 29 March, 2011.
3.2 Research and Publication Output
1. Give details of instructional and other materials developed including teaching aids and/or used by the institution for enhancing the quality of teaching during the last three years.
Teacher-educators and student teachers collaborated in developing instructional and other materials for enhancing the quality of teaching. Different Power Point Presentations are prepared by the student-teachers and teacher-educators to meet the need of today‟s education. Different teaching aids related to different subjects as charts, slides, transparencies, working and non-working models etc. are prepared by faculty and students for enhancing the quality of teaching.
2. Give details on facilitates available with the institution for developing instructional materials? The institution has a rich library having more than 11 thousand books, reference books to help students in developing instructional materials. Beside this there is internet facility in library as well as in ICT Lab. Well equipped A.V. room is there in the campus with instructional material to prepare different type of audio-visual aids. Art and craft room is also there for the same purpose.
3. Did the institution develop any ICT/technology related instructional materials during the last five years? Give details. Teacher educators have prepared slides of different topics in regarding different subjects for power point presentations. M.Ed students motivated to prepare their presentations on power point for seminars. B.Ed students also use ICT at the time of teaching practice session.
4. Give details on various training programmes and / or workshops on material development (both instructional and other materials). a. Organized by the institution b. Attended by the staff c. Training provided to the staff
(a) Training Programmes for students and teachers are organized like Writing of Objectives, Lesson Plan, Evaluation Process , Teaching Aids & CAI Modules.
(b) Teachers have attended orientation and refreshers courses for professional development. They developed instructions material of their subjects and specialization.
(c) Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff is provided training regarding professional development time to time.
5. List the journals in which the faculty members have published papers in the last five years? Research papers and articles of different faculty members have been published in following journals in the last five years:-
– Educational and Psychological Research
– Shikshan Anveshika
– The Journal of Advance Education
– Journal of Education and Psychological Research
– Anveshan
– The Educand
– AITEA International Journal of Education and Humanities
6. Give details of the awards, honors and patents received by the faculty members in last five years.
The Principal and the Management recognize and appreciate the contribution of faculty members for their professional achievement in Annual function.
7. Give details of the Minor/Major research projects completed by staff members of the institution in last five years.
The faculty members carried research work on the following:-
– Mid day meal in Govt. Schools
– Availability & use of A.V. aids in Govt. & Private schools.
– In service training programmes for the teachers.
– Comparison of conventional v/s under teaching methods
– Inclusive education
3. Consultancy:-
1. Did the institution provide consultancy services in last five years?
If yes, give details. – Yes, faculty members provide consultancy services to the students of different schools, educational institutions and to the students of different universities. Faculty members provide guidance to the students of M.A. Education, M.Ed and M.Phil in education of different universities as – CDLU, Sirsa, K.U., Kurukshetra, P.U., Chandigarh. – Some of the faculty members are acting as advisors in education colleges – Panchsheel College of Education, Sonepat, Harsh College of Education, Purkhas, Ramjas College of Education, Sonepat, Nihal Singh College of Education, Sonepat. – The institution has adopted one institution of mentally challenged children namely “Koshish” situated at Sonepat for academic support. Faculty members and M.Ed. students carry research projects related to education of mentally challenged children. Faculty members and students visit the said institution time to time and give advice regarding the growth and development of such type of children.
– Consultancy services are also provided to stake holders related to need and requirement of their leaves.
2. Are faculty/staff members of the institute competent to undertake consultancy?
If yes, list the areas of competency of staff members and the steps initiated by the institution to publicise the available expertise.
All the faculty members of the institution are competent to undertake consultancy regarding the different aspect of teacher education:-
– Faculty members are associated with the school in interview panel.
– Some senior faculty members provide their advise to school regarding mental, social, emotional development of the students and provide their services to school teachers to eradicate classroom problems.
– All faculty members deliver extension lectures in the areas of their specialization in educational colleges as use of ICT in education, psychology of learner, Teaching of Methodology, Indian Philosophy.
3. How much revenue has been generated through consultancy in the last five years? How is the revenue generated, shared among the concerned staff members and the institution? No revenue has been generated through such type of services because faculty and students do these services as academic and social activities without any honorarium.
4. How does the institution use the revenue generated through consultancy? N.A.
3.3 Extension Activities:-
1. How has the local community benefited from the institution? (Contribution of the institution through various extension activities, outreach programmes, partnering with NGO‟s and GO‟s). Extension programmes undertaken by the institution cover a wide range of activities. These programmes positively contributed to the society as well as enriched the teaching experiences of the students:-
– The institution has adopted a institution of mentally challenged children namely Koshish. Faculty alongwith students visited this institute time to time and interacted with staff and students and give suggestions regarding their day to day needs.
– M.Ed students visited the local areas and make efforts for upliftment of education, women empowerment, health, hygiene and environment awareness.
– The college organise awareness programmes on legal literacy, health and hygiene, Girl Child Education, Democracy, Water Conservation, Environment cleanliness etc.
– A health checkup is being organised every year in collaboration with Red Cross, Sonepat in the college campus.
– A lecture through power point presentations was organized for the students and local community by the institution in which the
doctors from Civil Hospital, Sonepat give the knowledge about this crucial problem.
– There is an “extension activities committee” of students in the institution which work actively with the community.
2. How has the institution benefited from the community?
(Community participation in institutional development, Institution-community networking, institution-school networking, etc.).
The institution invites the renowned personalities of different fields from the community for different type of activities. Lectures on different topics as women empowerment, research methodology, philosophy of Education, environment awareness, personality development, use of ICT, legal rights of women in India, nature education etc. have been delivered by the experts of different universities, doctors and community members. Community members are invited on different occasions as celebration of days, Annual day celebration, social festivals etc. During such occasions, students interact with society members and get valuable experiences from:- As the institution is a teacher education institution, it needs schools for practice teaching programme. The school staff takes interest in making the learning experience of student-teachers a successful one.
3. What are the future plans and major activities the institution would like to take up for providing community orientation of students?
The activities which institution would like to take up in future:-
– Awareness programmes on human rights, women empowerment, water conservation, environment cleanliness etc.
– Social activities as participation in different camps.
– Organization of rallies.
– Organization of different camps.
– Literacy programme for weaker section.
– Extension lectures on contemporary issues as honesty for life, Democracy, role of youth in politics, emotional problems of a child, environment of school.
4. Is there any project completed by the institution relating to the community development in the last five years?
If yes, give details. Yes, there are so many projects completed by the teacher educators and M.Ed. student related to environment awareness, AIDS awareness, socio-economic status, family education, awareness about girl child education etc. for the community development.
5. How does the institution develop social and citizenship values and skill among its students? The institution develops social and citizenship values and skills among its students by organizing different programmes:-
– Celebration of National festivals as Republic day, Independence day etc.
– Celebration of social festivals like Diwali, Lohri, Christmas etc.
– Community based project works.
– Visit to community.
– Visit to Koshish.
– Games and sports.
– Organization of awareness programmes as legal awareness, Environmental awareness, women right, constitution, Right to information etc.
– Different co-curricular activities.
– Excursions.
– Students are motivated to use library facilities as newspaper reading, magazines reading etc. to make the students aware about cultural ethos, social values and to develop national character.
– Seminars, conferences etc.
3.5 Collaborations
1. Name the national level organization, if any, with which the institution has established linkages in the last five years. Detail the benefits resulted out of such linkages. Four faculty members of the institution are members of academic bodies of the University. All faculty members are the members of Educational Association like All India Association of Education Research, Bhuvaneshwar, All India Association of Teacher Educators, Delhi. One of the senior faculty members is the member of Yoga Federation India. Two of these faculty members are the members of the visiting team of NCTE to inspect the institution of different states. Many teachers have attended seminars and conferences of National and International level. Most of these faculty members provide their supervision as guide to the students of different universities regarding research work.
3. Name the international organizations, with which the institution has established any linage in the last five years. Detail the benefits resulted out of such linkages.
Not yet
4.How did the linkages if any contribute to the following ?
* Curriculum Development
* Teaching
* Training
* Practice
* Teaching
* Research
* Consultancy
* Extension
* Publication
* Student Placement The linkages with different organization contribute effectively on the above said aspects as:-
* Curriculum is designed by M.D. University, Rohtak. Staff members who are the members of UG and PG Board of Studies attend the meeting and valuable suggestions.
* Various journals and student material of NCTE and NCERT are helpful in enhancing the teaching quality. Eminent educationists from different universities are invited to deliver extension lectures on various aspects of teaching as methodology of teaching, types of teaching, problems regarding teaching etc.
* Suggestions and guidance of teachers and heads of practicing schools, provide guidelines to improve the teaching strategies.
* Practice teaching runs smoothly only because of the co-operation and supporting nature of the faculty and head of practicing schools.
* Research guidance is provided to students by the eminent educationists motivate them to do different type of research regarding different aspect of teaching education.
* Consultancy is provided by the community members contribute to the development of the personality of students and make them capable to solve their problems.
* Various publications of NCERT, NCTE and M.D. University, Rohtak help to our student-teachers as well as faculty members in their teaching learning process.
* Top authorities of different schools are also invited to conduct interviews for the placement purposes. The students who are selected given opportunities to join.
4. What are the linkages of the institution with the school sector?
(Institute-school-community networking). There are seven schools for practice teaching with which institution has linkage. For practice teaching school are made available to the student teachers by the school authorities. School faculty and community members also contribute their experiences for the development of curricular. The institution also invites school teachers to college for judging various competitions like Rangoli competition, poetic recitation, sports activities etc. School teachers are also invited to give suggestions to our student-teachers regarding class room management and problems.
5. Are the faculty actively engaged in schools and with teachers and other school personnel to design, evaluate and deliver practice teaching. If give details. Yes, faculty is actively engaged with school staff during practice teaching. But before the commencement of the practice teaching in school, institution invites the school teachers to deliver demonstration lesson in their respective subjects so that the pupil teachers may understand the each and every aspect of teaching. They are also advised to evaluate the lesson of pupil teaching during practice teaching and give feedback to them.
6. How does the faculty collaborate with school and other college or university faculty? The faculty members visit the school time to time for teaching practice of B.Ed students and for field work of M.Ed students. Faculty also goes to school campus for interviews of school teachers as a subject expert. At the time of cultural programmes and other celebrations school students are invited to college campus. The faculties also goes to the other colleges for extension lectures, consultancy activities and participate in interviews of lecturers as subject experts. The faculty also collaborates with university faculty for discussion on different issues as topics of the dissertations, curriculum constructions and by giving suggestions as the members of different boards.
3.6 Best Practices in Research, Consultancy and Extension:-
1. What are the major measures adopted by the institution to enhance the Quality of Research, Consultancy and Extension activities during the last five years? Institution encourages its faculty members to pursue research endeavors in the field of education. Institution provides opportunity to faculty and students to attend seminars, workshops, training programmes on research methodology. Seminars are being organized for the topics taken by M.Ed students for dissertation. Faculty members are always encouraged to provide consultancy to other institutions and community members. The institution supports and promotes extension activities pertaining with community and other stake holders.
2. What are significant innovations/good practices in Research, Consultancy and Extension activities of the institution? Some of the good practices that are being followed in research, consultancy and extension activities are:-
– Faculty members are providing guidance for M.Ed, M.A. (Edu.), M.Phil of different universities.
– Action researches are conducted for improving the quality of education and self esteem of student-teachers.
– Students are motivated to use library facilities for research work.
– The institution provides free consultancy to student teachers and stake holders.
To enhance extension activities, legal literacy cell has been established in the college in 2008. Different activities and extension lectures have been organized under this cell.
– A health check up camp has been organized with collaboration of Red Cross Society, Sonepat.
– A doctor team was invited from Civil Hospital, Sonepat to provide knowledge about HIV-AIDS.
The faculty keeps pace with the recent development in the school subjects by getting information through news papers, NCERT and SCERT journals, websites of NCERT and SCERT and by content with the local office of District Education Officer etc. The institutions also organize extension lectures, seminars on resent developments in school subjects and modern methodologies. Student teachers also take part in these lectures and seminars. They also get knowledge through discussion with faculty members, school staff and school students. Additional Information to be provided by Institutions opting for Re-accreditation/Re-assessment.
2. What are the main evaluative observations/suggestions make in the first assessment report with references to Curricular aspects and how have they been acted upon ? Observations
– The college prepares its own academic calendar.
– The college uses feedback received from the students to plan academic calendar .
– The college devotes 10 days for Pre-Practice Teaching and 30 days for actual teaching practice.
– The college has succeeded in establishing a close linkage with the practice schools.
– The knowledge and skills of the students is being continuously evaluated through term test and examinations and class assignments.
– The teachers of the institution carry out research work and get published in research guards.
– Institution mission and goals are simplicity achieved through various curricular and co- curricular interventions and also through the celebrations of different regional and national festivals.
– The college organized community linkage programme.
– The college organized workshop on different topics.
3. What are the major quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous assessment and accreditation.
The major quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous assessment and accreditation are as follows:
– The college devotes 25 days for pre-practice teaching and 40 days for actual teaching.
– Community based programmes are being organized by the institution.
– The institution also organized awareness programmes on different areas as AIDS awareness, environment awareness etc.
– Institution adopted „Koshish‟ an institution of mentally challenged children for financial social, moral and educational support.
– Institution also adopted two schools – Tika Ram Modern School, Sonepat and Govt. Middle School, Gur Mandi, Sonepat to give academic guidance and support.
– The teachers of the institution work as supervision for the students doing M.A. (Education) M.Ed. , M.Phil. (Education) of various universities.
– The college has organized different programmes for student-teachers as seminars, workshops, extension lectures etc.
– The teachers of the institution supervise dissertation and field work of M.Ed, students which are forms of research work.
Criterion IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources Physical Facilities
1. Does the institution have the physical infrastructure as per NCET norms?
If yes, specify the facilities and the amount invested for developing the Infrastructure. Enclose the master plan of the building. Yes, the institution has the physical infrastructure as per NCTE norms. The master plan is attached. (Annexure)
2. How does the institution plan to meet the need for augmenting the infrastructure to keep pace with the academic growth?
The institution plans regularly to meet the needs for augmenting of the infrastructure to keep pace with the academic growth. Additional infrastructure and resources are added every year according to the need of the time. Library and laboratory are furnished with adequate reading material, equipments and furniture to facilitate better teaching learning process. Governing body also tries its best to make available infrastructure needed for pursuit of high academic growth.
3. List the infrastructure facilities available for co-curricular activities and extracurricular activities including games and sports. The infrastructural facilities available for curricular and extra-curricular activities including games and sports are:-
* Play ground having athletic track of national norms is available on sharing basis with sister institution
* Seminar room
* Conference room
* Work experience laboratory
* Art and craft room
* Sports room for indoor games
4. Give details on the physical infrastructure shared with other programmes of the institution or other institution of the parent society or university. Only playground of running track for organizing atheletics is being shared with sister institutions however institution has its own playground for badminton, volley-ball etc.
5. Give details on the Facilities available with the institution to ensure the health and hygiene of the staff and students (rest rooms, health center, etc.) The facilities available with the institution to ensure the health and hygiene of staff and students are:-
– Wash room facilities separately for boys, girls and for teaching staff
– Rest room for girls
– Canteen
– R O water facilities
– Water coolers
– First aid
– Retiring room for staff
6. Is there any hostel facility for students? If yes, give details, recreational facilities including sports and games, health and hygiene facilities, etc. The hostel facility is available for girls in the hostel of Tika Ram Girls P.G College and for boys in the hostel of C.R.Z Senior Secondary School. 10 rooms in girls‟ hostel with the capacity of 20 students and 6 rooms in boys‟ hostel with the capacity of 12 students have been provided to the students. Both of these are sister institutions. Both the hostels have health and hygiene facilities, recreational facilities and playground for badminton, basketball, volley-ball etc.
4.2 Maintenance of infrastructure
1. What is the budget allocation and utilization in the last five years for the maintenance of the following? Give justification for the allocation and unspent balance if any.
* Building
* Laboratories
* Furniture
* Equipments
* Computers
* Transport/Vehicle
No prior budget is allocated for the maintenance of building and laboratories etc. however institution has spent a large amount of money on maintenance of building, laboratories, furniture and other infrastructural materials during last five years. A committee comprises of three college lecturers take care of maintenance of all aspects of infrastructure of the institution.
2. How does the institution plane and ensure that the available infrastructure is optimally utilized?
– The institution ensures that the available infrastructure is optimally utilized.
– Infrastructure facilities established in the college library and sports facilities are kept open to use by the students and faculty not only during working hours but extended hours are also provided whenever required.
– The conference room as well as the seminar room are used for various curricular and co-curricular activities by the institution and by sister institutions and community members time to time.
– Institution provides its rooms and open area for the official activities at the time of elections and pension distribution as and when required.
3. How does the institution consider the environmental issues associated with the infrastructure?
* The institution is situated in a calm and beautiful natural surrounding with a complete pollution free campus. There is a lush green lawn with beautiful flower beds in college campus.
* The class rooms are spacious with windows for proper ventilation and adequate natural light.
* Water coolers are fitted with water filters for proper clean drinking water.
* Proper sanitation system is provided in the institution.
* Numbers of dustbins are there to maintain cleanliness.
* Institution is aware to save electricity by using CFL and tube -lights.
* Silent generator is used to control noise pollution
* Provision of garbage pit is there to dump the daily waste.
* Eco-club of students is quite aware regarding cleanliness and other aspects of environment.
4.3 Library as a learning resource
1. Does the institution have a qualified librarian and sufficient technical staff to support the library (materials collection and media/computer services)? 1. The librarian has retired and vacancy lies vacant. It will be filled with the permission of HCE however institution has appointed as librarian on adhoc. Institution has sufficient technical staff to support the library.
2. What are the library resources available to the staff and students? (Number of books-volumes and titles, journals-national and international, magazines, audio visual teaching- learning resources, software, internet access, etc.) Adequate library resources are available to the staff and students in the college- Total no. of books: 11706 Text books: 11089 Reference books: 617 Educational encyclopedia: 22 Yearbooks: 12
Newspapers: 11 Magazines/periodicals: 20 Journals: 12 E-journal: 01 CD/DVD : 20 3. Does the institution have in place, a mechanism to systematically review the various library resources for adequate access, relevance, etc. and to make acquisition decisions. If yes, give details including the composition and functioning of library committee. A library committee is active in the institution to review systematically the various library resources for adequate access, relevance and to make acquisition decisions. The committee comprising three faculty members and five students (three from B.Ed and two from M.Ed) and the Principal as chairperson. Committe access the need of the students regarding library resources ,receives feedback from faculty and students and do the necessary to improve.
4. Is your library computerized? If yes, give details. Yes, the library stock is computerised.
5. Does the institution library have Computer, Internet and Reprographic facilities? If yes, give details on the access to the staff and students and the frequency of use.
Yes ,the institution library has computer, internet and reprographic facilities. There are five computers with printers, Xerox machine in the library. An active internet connection is also available. All three facilities are used by faculty as well as students teachers on all working days.
6. Does the institution make use of Infibnet/Delnet/IUC faclities? If yes, give details. No
7. Give details on the working days of the library ? (Days the library is open in an academic year, hours the library remains open per day etc.) The library is kept open throughout the year except Sundays. National & gazzeted holidays. Working hours of the library are 9.00 a.m to 4.00 p.m i.e 7 hours in a day.
8. How do the staff and students come to know of the new arrivals? The information about new arrivals is displayed on the display board.
9. Does the institution‟s library have a book bank? If yes, how is the book bank facility utilized by the students? The library has book bank facility but the books are provided to the needy for the whole year. 10. What are the special facilities offered by the library to the visually and physically challenged persons? There are audio cassettes on various topics in the library for visually challenged students.
4.4 ICT as learning resource
1. Give details of ICT facilities available in the institution ( computer lab, hardware, software, internet connectivity, access, audio visual, other media and materials and how the institutions ensures the optimum use of the facility.
The institution has one computer lab with 20 computers ,LCD projectors, tape recorders, slide projectors, overhead projector, epidiascope with different non-projective visual aids. Public address system is also available. The students are given basic knowledge of the computer in computer laboratory. The lab also has the facility of audio and visual devices ,laptop, printers ,scanners, internet facility, smart classroom with smart board etc. Students of B.Ed and M.Ed use all the devices in their daily practice. The students are instructed to prepare slides ,transparencies and improved teaching aids. The students are always motivated to use these facilities time to time to make their teaching learning effective.
2. Is there a provision in the curriculum for imparting computer skills to all students? If yes give details on the major skills included.
There is a practical/ICT enabled project of 50 marks in B.Ed for imparting computer skills. The following skills are developed in the students.
1. Opening and shutting down the computer.
2. Preparation of files, documents and folder.
3. Net surfing.
4. M.S. power point presentation.
5. Creation of E.mail ID.
6. Compose, read and send E.mails.
7. Preparation of sides.
8. Video conferencing.
9. Audio conferencing.
10. World wide web.
11. LAN, MAN and WAN.
12. Computer virus.
13. Maintenances of computer.
3. How and to what extent does the institution incorporate and make use of the new technologies/ICT in curriculum transactional processes?
Every faculty member uses new technology in his/her daily practice. They prepare transparencies and power point presentation in curriculum transaction process. Audio and video cassettes are used for demonstration lesson by teacher educators. Institution providing the opportunity to the students to improve their language communication skill by using language lab. M.Ed students collect the information regarding their research work through net and they also motivated to use power point presentation at the time of seminar, workshop etc.
4. What are major areas and initiatives for which students teachers use/ adopt technology in practice teaching?
(developing lessons plans, classrooms transactions, evaluation, preparation of teaching aids)
– Student teachers take the help of ICT in preparing lesson plan, teaching aids and to deliver lesson. Student teacher are encouraged to prepare effective teaching aids in the form of transparencies, working and non- working models, maps, charts for delivering the lesson during teaching-practice session. They also use smart board and prepare power point presentation for the same purpose. M.Ed. students also prepare power point presentation to present the subject matter in seminars. They also use ICT for their dissertation and field work.
4.5 Other Facilities
1. How is the institutional infrastructure optimally used? Does the institution share its facilities with others for e.g.: serve as information technology resource in education to the institution (beyond the program), to other institutions and to the community.
Institutional infrastructure is optimally used by the institution. The institution shares its facilities with the community. Conference hall and seminars room are utilized by sister institutions for their academic and other purposes. Play ground is also used by the community members for various purposes.
2. What are the various audio-visual facilities/materials ( CD‟s, audio and video cassettes and others materials related to the program) available with the institution? How are the students teachers encouraged to optimally use them for learning including practice teaching?
Various audio-visual aids and material like CD‟s, audio and video cassettes, transparencies and phonographic slides based on the contacts of various school teaching subjects are available. Different types of charts, working and non-working models in
science and social sciences are available. Well equipped ICT and sciences laboratories are there in the institution. Teachers themselves use the audio-visual aids while presenting the content before the student-teacher in the class room. Student teachers are motivated to utilize them doing practice teaching as well as during organization of various co-curricular activities.
3. What are the various general and methods laboratories available with the institution? How does the institution enhance the facilities and ensure maintenance of the equipment and facilities?
The institution has ICT laboratory, psychology laboratory, science laboratory and a well equipped language laboratory. The teacher incharge of respective. Laboratories ensure the care and proper use of equipments of the laboratory. The necessary modification are done according to the demand of the students and curriculum. The teacher incharge make arrangement after discussion and by consulting the head of the institution.
4. Give details on the facilities like multipurpose hall, workshop, music and sports, transport etc. available with the institution.
* The institution is having the facility of multipurpose hall which has seating capacity number of students. It is well equipped with smart board, audio-visual facilities and with public address system.
* The institution has well equipped conference hall with capacity of students. It is equipped with LCD projector, OHP, LCD TV. Public address system with eye catching furniture.
* Workshop in the form of work experience or art and craft room is available in the institution having material related to art and craft and to prepare audio-visual aids. It also equipped with moulds to prepare candles.
1) There is no separate music room in the institution. The facilities like harmonium, tabla, music system etc are available.
2) Provision of play ground in the college premises is there. A sports ground with running track for athletics is available on sharing with sister institution sports material related to badminton, volleyball, football, cricket etc is available.
3) The institution does not has separate transport facilities but students can avail bus service provided by sister institutions.
5.Are the classrooms equipped for the use of latest technologies for teaching?
If no, indicate the institution‟s future plans to modernize the classrooms. Class rooms have the facilities for utilizing OHP and slide projector. Two class rooms are equipped with smart boards. 4.6 Best Practices in Infrastructure and Learning Resources
1. How does the faculty seek to model and reflect on the best practice in the diversity of instructions, including the use of technology?
The faculty always tries to bring diversity in their instructing procedure by using ICT like overhead projectors, slide projector, LCD projectors and power point presentation. Teachers emphasise on the overall development of the student teachers. To achieve the purpose, teacher educators adopt different teaching method as project method, problem solving method , survey method and heuristic method etc in their daily lectures. They also use smart board and different teaching aids as and when required.
2. List innovative practices related to use of ICT, which contributed to equality enhancement.
* Every student teacher is taught about the basis of computers, different type of projectors as OHP, LCD projector, slide projector, epidiascope etc.
* The students are empowered to use various instructions equipment available with the institution.
* Student teachers use ICT for preparing their lesson plan and seminars.
* They prepare power- point presentation at the time of workshops, seminars, debates etc.
3. What innovations/best practices in „infrastructure and learning resources‟ are in vogue or adopted/adapted by the institution?
* The Institution provides well furnished classrooms, well equipped laboratories and adequate environment for teaching learning process.
* Tutorial groups are constituted with a teacher educator as a tutor in which concept of individualized learning is followed.
* Remedial teaching is provided to needy students.
* Suggestion box is also available in the college premises. Suggestions are received and are taken into consideration.
* Specific teaching strategies are adopted to cater the diverse needs of learners.
* Use of ICT is common in the institution for teaching learning process.
* Language laboratory provides the better opportunity to students-teachers to enrich their language skill.
* Feed back on campus experiences are collected from student-teachers to make improvement in required areas.
Additional Information to be provided by institutions opting for Reaccreditation/ Re- assessment
1. What were the evaluation observations made under Infrastructure and learning Resources in the previous assessment report and how have they been acted upon? Observation in the previous assessment report.
– Well developed infrastructure and adequate space.
– Pollution free campus.
– Well organized library with photo copier, audio-visual cassettes, internet facility and other support facilities.
– Availability of library loan facility with other sister institutions.
– Well equipped psychology lab, science lab, and educational technology lab work experience lab.
– Outdoor games and sports facilities on sharing bases with sister institution.
– Availability of hostel facilities on sharing bases with sister institution.
Suggestions Library should be computerized; more journals and other important publication should be added. Activities The suggestions given in the previous assessment report have been activated as-
– Now institution has well equipped, computerized library with 11959 books, 22 encyclopedia,12 year books, 18 periodicals, 11 newspaper, 12 journals and 1 e-journal.
2.What are the other quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous Assessment and Accreditation with regard to infrastructure and Learning Resources?
* Building has been extended according to the requirement.
* Well equipped conference hall is there in the campus.
* Numbers of text books and reference books have been increased in the library.
* Generator is available for power back up.
* ICT lab, science lab, psychology lab work experience lab are become more enrich.
* Language lab is also available.
* Well furnished seminar room.
Criterion V : Student Support and Progression
5.1 Student Progression
1. How does the institution assess the students preparedness for the programme and ensure that they receive appropriate academic and professional advice through the commencement of their professional education programme (students pre-requisite knowledge and skill to advance) to completion ?
In order to prepare student teachers for the programme and to assess the various aspect of their personality, inherent potential and interest, a „Talent Search Programme‟ is organized in the beginning of the session. The programme includes various activities like speech, poetic recitation, mono acting, solo and group song, dance & drama etc. To assess different teaching skills required for teacher education, institution organize different assessment programmes from time to time. After micro teaching session, mega teaching session, discussion lessons and real teaching sessions, follow up programme is carried out. The institution assesses the student’s academic progress by using formative and summative evaluation techniques i.e. one unit test twice in a month, half yearly test and pre-university test.
2. How does the institution ensure that the campus environment promotes motivation, satisfaction, development and performance improvement of the students?
The institution’s environment provides a lot of opportunities to the student-teachers to develop their potential and skills. All the faculty members and administration of the college act as a motivating force for performance and improvement of the student teachers. The institution promotes motivation, satisfaction, development and performance-improvement of the students :
– Pollution free, peaceful campus.
– Well- equipped Library.
– Well-equipped and enriched Psychology Lab, Science Lab, ICT Lab, Language Lab.
– Well-equipped work experience lab for various activities.
– Sports facilities.
– Separate common rooms for girls and boys with different indoor games.
– Internet facility in library and ICT lab.
– Well-equipped conference hall with LCD T.V. for recreation also.
– Canteen facility.
– Organization of different cultural, academic and sports competitions.
– Highly qualified and co-operative staff.
3. Give gender-wise drop-out rate after admission in the last five years and list possible reasons for the drop out. Describe (if any) the mechanism adopted by the institution for controlling the drop-out?
None of the students left the courses (B.Ed., M.Ed.) which can be termed as dropout in the last five years.
4. What additional services are provided to students for enabling them to compete for the jobs and progress to higher education?
How many students appeared/qualified SLET, NET, Central/State services through competitive examination in the last two years?
The institution provides a wide variety of learning experiences to the students to enable them to compete for the job and get progress in higher education. Guidance and counseling cell guides student teachers to choose right and appropriate course and profession after completion of B.Ed. or M.Ed. courses. Institution arranges campus interviews through its placement cell. Career counseling is done for the advancement of the students. Information regarding the vacancies and difference courses are provided by displaying them at the display board. Many of our students have qualified for NET, SLET AND STET during the last two years: Number of students NET STET 2009-10 11 31 2010-11 07 28
5. What percentage of students on an average go for further studies/choose teaching as a career? Give details for the last three years?
Every year on an average 30% of the students go for further studies in various courses such as M.A., M.Sc., M.Ed., M.Phil. and Ph.D. etc. Almost 50% students of our college choose teaching as their career and working in government and non-government sector. Rests of the students are engaged in competitive exams and some other services.
6. Does the institution provide training and access to library and other education related electronic information, audio/video resources, computer hardware and software related and other resources available to the student teachers after graduating from the institution ? if yes, give details on the same.
In the beginning of each session, an orientation session is being organized for three days regarding functioning and resources of library, laboratories, syllabus and other facilities available in the college campus. The institution provides training for the search of the books through catalogues. Faculty also provides the information’s regarding other electronic devices as computer software, audio-visual resources in ICT programme. They are also trained in handling the equipments and to use them in their teaching training.
7. Does the institution provide placement services?
If yes, give details on the services provided for the last two years and the number of students who have benefited. Yes, the institution provides placement services. There is a placement-cell comprising three senior faculty members. Every year this cell organizes extension lecturers given by District Education Officer, heads of different institutions to guide student teachers regarding proper placement. Institution arranges campus interview through this placement cell. 20 percent of the students are selected for jobs every year in different areas. Information‟s regarding interviews, vacancies; qualifications etc are displayed on display board for the students.
8.What are the difficulties (if any) faced by placement cell ?
How does the institution come these difficulties? Various schools situated in nearby areas are requested to send the number of vacancies and the institution arranges campus interview.
* Placement cell faces problems like :
* Time- gap between campus interview and result declaration of B.Ed. and M.Ed. students.
* It is difficult to invite maximum institutions of nearby area to hold interviews at one time.
9.Does the institution have arrangements with practice teaching schools for placement of the student teachers ?
Yes, the requirement of the faculty in practice teaching schools is sought at the time of practice teaching. They are also invited for campus interview by the placement cell.
10. What are the resources (financial, human and ICT) provided by the institution to the placement cell?
Financial help as well as human and other resources as computer, printer, phone etc are provided to the placement cell to organize extension lecturers and interview etc.
5.2 Student Support:
1. How are the curricular (teaching-learning processes), co-curricular and extracurricular programmes planned, (developing academic calendar, communication across institution, feedback) evaluated and revised to achieve the objective implementation of the curriculum ?
For the effective implementation of curricular, co-curriculum and extracurricular activities, the institution plans and evaluates all the activities in its academic calendar of the year. Its effective implementation is evaluated by the student teachers, alumni association and stakeholders through feedback Performa. If need arises, necessary modifications are made in the academic calendar to achieve the objectives of the curriculum and effective implementation of all the activities.
2. How is the curricular planning done differently for physically challenged students?
Faculty members provide guidance regarding curriculum and other activities to the physically challenged students but no specific curriculum is planned for them.
3. Does the institution have mentoring arrangements? If yes, how is it organized?
Yes the institutions has mentoring arrangement under each mentor, there are 17 students. Every mentor provides guidance regarding curriculum, co-curricular activities, evaluations system, personal problems, social problems, college campus problems, current issues etc. to the students.
4. What are the various provisions in the institution, which support and enhance the effectiveness of the faculty in teaching and mentoring of students?
Various provisions are made by the institution to support and enhance the effectiveness of the faculty in teaching and mentoring of students. College organizes various workshops, extension lecturers and seminars at college level. Orientation porgrammes are being organized for students and faculty regarding different areas of teaching learning process. Institution motivates the faculty for research work. They are provided internet facility and library facilities to get latest information’s about the current issues.
5. Does the institution have its website? If yes, what is the information posted on the site and how often is it updated?
Yes, the college has its updated website The information regarding governing body of the institution, teaching and non-teaching staff, courses available, infrastructural facilities and other facilities available are posted on the site. The college website is updated regularly.
6. Does the institution have a remedial programme for academically low achievers? If yes, give details.
Students weakness are diagnosed by the faculty through the class room interactions, class test and other examinations. Appropriate remedial teaching is provided to the low achievers through extra classes, personal guidance assignments, peer tutoring and encouraging them to visit library frequently.
7. What specific teaching strategies are adopted for teaching
a) Advanced learners and b) Slow learners.
a) For advanced learning, faculty encourages them to use internet, to consult reference books, participating in seminars, workshops and to present papers, assigning extra work etc. The knowledge and energy of advanced learners have been utilized by motivating them to participate in extra- curricular and community activities.
b) For slow learners, teaching strategies are developed according to the need of the learners. Extra classes, personal guidance, assignments and peer tutoring are organized to satisfy the need of the learners.
8. What are the various guidance and counseling services available to the students? Give details.
* Before the commencement of the course, an orientation programme is being organized to guide the students regarding course content and the different activities of work experiences.
* During the session, faculty members as mentors solve the individual problems of academic and personal aspects of students.
* Women cell is also there for the same purpose.
* The information regarding different courses, vacancies in schools and other job opportunities are displayed on display boards for the benefit of the students.
9. What is the grievance Redressal mechanism adopted by the institution for students? What are the major grievances redressed in last two years?
The institution has Grievance and Redressal committee to solve the grievances of students regarding any aspect of the institution. Suggestion box is also available outside the Principal’s office. Students are free to give their grievances to the committee or by putting it in the suggestion box. Issues are discussed with committee members and appropriate steps are taken and redressed to satisfy the student teachers. The major grievance redressed in last two years were regarding canteen facility, library facilities, educational tour etc.
10. How is the progress of the candidate at different stages of programs monitored and advised ?
– The academic progress of the B.Ed. and M.Ed. students monitored through daily class room observations, unit tests, half yearly examination and pre-university examinations, assignments, presentation in seminars etc.
– Progress in the field of co-curricular activities is monitored through their participation in different cultural activities as competitions, social service programs, awareness programmes, sports activities etc.
– After monitoring the progress of the students in different areas necessary advice, feedback and guidance is provided by the concern expert teacher or mentor teacher for improvement.
11. How does the institution ensure the student‟s competency to begin practice teaching, (Pre-practice preparation details) and what is the follow-up support in the field (practice teaching) provided to the students during practice during practice teaching in schools?
The institution ensures the students‟ competency to begin practice teaching in the following way: Pre Practice
– The practical knowledge about lesson plan and different teaching skills are provided in theory classes.
– Lesson plans are being checked by the concerned teachers.
– Demonstration lessons are delivered by the faculty members.
– Practice of skills by the student teachers in the class.
– Micro teaching
– Simulated teaching
– Discussion lessons.
Practice teaching
– A teacher educator as supervision provides follow up support to the students during teaching practice in school.
– The teacher educator monitors all the daily activities and lessons of the student teachers and provides feedback and guidance to improve at different levels.
– The school teachers and head of the school are also requested to observe and guide the pupil teachers according to their needs.
5.3 Student Activities
1. Does the institution have an Alumni Association? If yes,
Yes, the institution has an alumni association.
i) List the current office bearers.
Current office bearers are. Patron: Sh. Om Parkash Dahiya Co-patron: Principal of the institution Co-ordinator: Dr. Indu Rathee, Associate Professor, T.R. College of Education, ` President: Dr. Narender Khatri, Principal, C.R.A. College, Sonepat. Vice President: Pawan, Lecturer Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Model Town, Sonepat. Secretary: Surender Hooda, Science Teacher, Kot Mohalla, Sonepat. Treasurer: Parveen Saroha, Business. Student representative: Divya (student of current session B.Ed. Roll No. – 39)
ii) Give the year of the last election.
iii) List Alumni Association activities of last two years.
Alumni meet is organized every year. The alumni working in different areas were invited from time to time to deliver lectures, for judging the different competitions and to meet the students of current session on different function organized in the college campus.
iv) Give detail of the top ten alumni occupying prominent position.
List of prominent alumni of the institution S. No. Name Designation Institution
1. Dr. Narender Khatri Principal C.R.A. College, Sonepat.
2. Sh. Raj Kumar Principal C.R.Z. School, Sonepat.
3. Sh. R.S. Dahiya Govt. Contractor
4.Sh. Satyavir Malik Sr. Scientist Dept of Seismology, Govt. of India,
5. (Mrs.) Poonam Malik IAS Gogiabad,
6. Dr.(Mrs.) Pratima PGT (Comm) Campus School, Rohtak.
7. Kuldeep Singh Dahiya B.E.O. Sonepat.
8. Sh. Pawan Nain PGT (Sc.) Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Model Town, Sonepat
9. Sh. Surender Hooda Teacher (Sc) Kot Mohalla, Sonepat
10. Sh. Parveen Saroha Businessman Sonepat.
v) Suggestions are always welcomed by the institution. They give feedback for the proper growth and development of the institution. They also share their experiences with current students. Many old students of the institutions are holding different responsible position in different departments. Their link with institution helps in growth and development of the institution.
2. How does the institution encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities including sports and games ?
Give details on the achievements of students during the last two years.
The institution encourages students to participate in extra-curricular activities including sports and games by sending the student teachers to participate in different activities organized at inter college, inter university and inter-state level. The institution gives prizes to the students at the time of Annual Prize Distribution Function on the basis of their excellent performance in academic as well as extra-curricular activities. College organizes annual athletic meet every year.
3. How does the institution involve and encourage students to publish materials like catalogues, wall magazines, college magazine and other material. List the major publications/materials brought out by the students during the previous academic session.
The college provides various opportunities to involve the students in various activities for presentation and publication of their material. The institution encourages students to prepare material like charts, poster, best out of waste etc. Selected material is displayed on wall magazine. The prizes are given to the students on the basis of their best presentation. The college also publishes its annual magazine namely „HARYANA SUMER‟. Students‟ articles, thoughts, poems, stories etc are invited for different section of the college magazine.
4. Does the institution have a student council or any similar body? Give details on – constitution, major activities and funding.
Yes, the institution has students, council comprising representatives from students, teacher educators and principal. The activities carried out by this council are: social functions, discipline of the college, cultural activities and maintaining coordination between different organizations. The funding of the council is from the college resources.
5. Give details of the various bodies and their activities (academic and administrative), which have student representation on it.
The institution provides an opportunity to all the students from being part of almost every activity. For this purpose, students from B.Ed. and M.Ed. are teachers included representatives took part in meetings of these committees. The various committees are as follows:
1. Alumni Associations
2. Discipline Committee
3. Eco club
4. Cultural Committee
5. Library Committee
6. Grievance & redressal committee
7. Sports tour & excursions committee
8. Extension activities committee.
6. Does the institution have a mechanism to seek and use data and feedback from its graduates and from employers to improve the preparation of the programme and the growth and development of the institution?
Yes, the institution has a mechanism to seek feedback from students and stakeholders through feedback Performa. They are „ Student Feedback on Teachers, „Students overall evaluations on the programme and Teaching, „Feedback on curriculum, Feedback from school teachers and alumni feedback with the help of these performas, the institution collects the feedback and use the data for the growth and development of the institution.
5.4 Best Practices in Student Support and Progression
1. Give details of institutional best practices in Student Support and Progression?
The best practices of the institution in student support and progression are:-
* Academic support services as remedial classes, personal guidance, educational tours and trips, seminars, mentor system, use of ICT.
* Career guidance and placement services.
* Students‟ representation in academic and administrative work through student council.
* Supportive administrative staff.
* College magazine.
Additional Information to be provided by Institutions opting for Re-accreditation/Re-assessment.
1. What were the evaluative observations made under Student Support and Progression the previous assessment report and how have they been acted upon?
Observation by NAAC peer team
(A) All students admitted to B.Ed. course complete their course successfully with almost negligible dropouts and failures.
(B) The college has a career and placement cell.
(C) The college maintains indoor/outdoor games, cultural activities, audio-visual facilities, literacy activities, wall magazine.
(D) Financial help is extended to SC/BC students as per Govt. policy.
(E) The college has an effective Alumni Association.
(1) The institution should be linked with other institutions and university in India and abroad.
Activities undertaken
(1) Most of the faculty members are on panel of experts in affiliating and other universities.
(2) Most of the faculty members provide guidance to the students of other universities regarding their research work of M.A.(Edu.), M.Ed. and M.Phil. etc.
(3) Almost every faculty member is in the advisory committee of different institutions ( School and colleges)
(4) KOSHISH – The institution provide academic and social support to this school meant for mentally challenged children.
2. What are the other quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous Assessment and Accreditation with regard to Student Support and Progression ?
Personality developments programmes are organized to encourage students to prepare and participate in different activities. Students are motivated to develop communication skill. A well- equipped language lab is there for this purpose. Extension lectures are organized on spiritual, social, educational and personal aspects. A number of students are helped and are now placed in govt. jobs and different colleges of education. A number of students cleared their NET, SLET and STET examinations and are carrying out research work in different universities and research organizations in India and abroad.
Criterion VI : Governance and Leadership 6.1 Institutional Vision and Leadership
1. What are the institution’s stated purpose, vision, mission and values? How are they made known to the various stakeholders?
The institution was established in Aug. 1975 with the purpose, vision and mission. The purpose of the institution is to give quality teacher education according to the aims of education to the urban and rural graduates of the surrounding areas. Mission and Vision:
1. Quality teacher education.
2. National and International integration through education.
3. Global Society.
4. Adaptability to development.
Education directs the future generation of any country. Education relates and depends on teacher education. Skilled & competent teachers accelerate growth of education. Teacher is backbone of education. Basic aim is not only to transfer knowledge but to create, ethical, global & value based society for peace and harmony at international level also. Values: Devotion, Sacrifice, Justice, Action, Truth, Legality, Truthfulness, Honesty, Sincerity, Tolerance, Discipline and Co-operation.
The purpose, vision, mission and values of the institution are made known to stakeholders through:
1. Transaction of Curriculum.
2. Organisation of co-curricular activities.
3. Meeting of Alumni.
4. PTA meetings.
5. Celebration of social and national festivals.
6. Meetings with the principals and staff of practicing schools.
7. Staff meetings.
8. Quarterly meeting of the management.
9. Sharing with the sister institutions.
10. Social gatherings.
11. Inclusive education.
12. Seminars.
13. Workshops
14. Cultural activities.
15. Interaction with Govt., Aided, Private and academic institutions (Regional and national)
2. Does the mission include the institution’s goals and objectives in terms of addressing the needs of the society, the students it seeks to serve, the school sector, education institution’s traditions and value orientations?
The college which is giving teacher education to graduate students includes the institution’s goals and objectives in terms of addressing the needs of the society in its mission. The mission of the institute also includes the needs of the students, the school sector, education institution’s traditions and value orientations.
3. Enumerate the top management’s commitment, leadership role and involvement for effective and efficient transaction of teaching and learning process (functioning
and composition of various committees and board of management, BOG, etc.). College is grant-in-aid institution from Government of Haryana. It is governed by the Director General, Higher Education, Haryana. Tika Ram Education Society, Soepat and M.D. University, Rohtak. The college is affiliated to M.D. University, Rohtak and U.G.C. The management of the institution comprises; social representatives, govt. and university nominees and teacher representatives. The decisions for academic and infrastructural needs are taken in the meetings of management which are held quarterly at least. The decisions are executed by the committees of the college which are constituted in the beginning of every academic session. Faculty members are the members and conveners of these committees. Curriculum transactions are made as per the academic calendar.
4. How does the management and head of the institution ensure that responsibilities are defined and communicated to the staff of the institution?
The Management and the Principal of the college discuss the matter regarding the institution and the same is communicated to the staff in staff meetings, various committees of the college carry out the duties assigned to them by the Principal.
5. How does the management/head of the institution ensure that valid information (from feedback and personal contacts etc.) is available for the management to review the activities of the institution ?
The Management and the Principal review the activities of the institution in various meetings of governing body and meetings of the staff. The minutes are recorded Governing body comprises elected office bearers, Principal and staff representatives (teaching and non-teaching). The previous decisions are approved/reviewed. The flows of decisions are from top to bottom and vice-versa. Every member is given opportunity to express.
6. How does the institution identify and address the barriers (if any) is available for the management to review the activities of the institution ?
Mission and goals are observed and evaluated in meetings time to time. Barriers are identified if any. These meetings are arranged with the staff, governing body, students and alumni association. The suggestions are invited from various stakeholders.
7.How does the management encourage and support involvement of the staff for improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutional process ?
As described in 6.1.5 there are two levels of management a) Institutions level b) governing body level. At both levels mission, goals, administrative and institutional objectives/processes are discussed thoroughly. The committees are formed/comprising teaching and non-teaching staff members for smooth administration. The assignments assigned to various committees are assessed in meetings and head of the institution keeps been observation on the process. The Management and the Principal encourage to make decisions at committees level and promote decisions taken by democratically.
8. Describe the leadership role of the head of the institution in governance and management of the curriculum, administration, allocation and utilization of resources for the preparation for the preparation of students. The academic activities are observed as per academic calendar prepared at the start of session under the leadership of Principal. The Principal fulfills the leadership role is governance and management of curriculum by observing the activities done by faculty members. The infrastructural,material and curriculum resources are fully utilized by the students. 6.2 Organizational Arrangements. 1.List the different committees constituted by the institution for management of different institutional activities ?
Give details of the meetings held and the decisions made, regarding academic management, finance, infrastructure, faculty, research, extension and linkages and examinations during the last year.
The college has constituted various committees like Purchase, Timetable, Skill-in-teaching, examination, building construction/maintenance, UGC/NCTE/NAAC, extension activities, legal literacy, Red Ribbon etc. These committees make decisions regarding academic arrangement, finance, infrastructure, research, extension and examination. Meetings of these committees are held periodically under the headship of convener and principal. (Annexure)
2.Give the organizational structure and the details of the academic and administrative bodies of the institution. As described in 6.2.1 organizational structure, academic and administrative purposes the committees works for the purposes they are meant.
3. To what extent is the administration decentralized ?
Give the structure and details of its functioning. The administration is decentralized by authorizing the various administrative committees to take decision in respective purposes they are meant. However governing body is constituted of elected office bearers of general body members, Principal, staff representatives, representative of university & government. The roles assignment/performed by these are as follows: Principal :
a) Linkage between university & government & institution.
b) Framing of different committees and assigning assignments to these.
c) Certifying pay bills.
d) Observation of rules.
a) Selection of teaching and non-teaching staff.
b) Sanction & provision of 95% grant towards salary.
c) Administrative norms
Affiliating University:
(1) Curriculum Framing .
(2) Examination and award of degree.
(3) Selection of staff.
(4) Academic norms.
(5) Admissions of B.Ed. and M.Ed. courses.
Governing Body :
(A) Sharing of 5% grant towards salary of employees.
(B) Suggestions for functioning of IQAC.
(C) Selection/appointment of employees.
(D) Growth of institution.
4.How does the institution collaborate with other sections/departments and school personnel to improve and plan the quality of educational provisions ?
The institute collaborates with the following to improve and plan the quality of educational provisions :
1) Affiliating university.
2) Dept. of Education, M.D.U. Rohtak
3) Principal and staff of practice teaching schools.
4) KOSHIS (Institution for mentally challenged children adopted by college).
5) Management.
6) Alumni association.
7) Society.
5.Does the institution use the various data and information obtained from the feedback in decision-making and performance improvement ?
If yes, give details. Feedback is taken from students, alumni and society regarding resources in Library, infrastructure & curriculum, transaction, performance of teachers and overall performance of institution .The feedback is being used to improve in different aspects.
6.What are the Institution’s initiatives in promoting co-operation, sharing of knowledge, innovations and empowerment of the faculty ?
(Skill sharing across departments, creating/providing conducive environment). The institution organizes internal as well inter institutional seminars, workshops, extension lectures, group discussion, refresher courses etc. to promote co-operation, sharing of knowledge innovations and empowerment of faculty. 6.3 Strategy Development and Deployment
1.Has the institution an MIS in place, to select, collect align and integrate data and information on academic and administrative aspects of the institution ?
As such the college has no specific provision of MIS but all the information regarding academic and administrative aspects of the institution are collected collectively.
2.How does the institution allocate resources (human and financial) for accomplishment and sustaining the changes resulting from the action plans ?
The institution uses two methods for this :
a) Major action plans are taken up with permission of governing body and funds are engaged accordingly.
b) Minimised funds are allocated with the joint efforts at institutional level.
3.How are the resources needed (human and financial) to support the implementation of the mission and goals, planned and obtained ?
The needed human and financial resources are managed at the institutional level to meet the mission and goals. If needed, help and assistance is taken from managements, sister institutions and other agencies.
4.Describe the procedure of developing academic plan. How are the practice teaching school teachers, faculty and administrators involved in the planning process ?
Academic calendar is prepared at the start of the session. It is prepared keeping in view the university calendar. Particularly for block teaching, heads and teachers of practice schools are involved. Meetings are held with these stakeholders. Feedback of previous session is taken into account so that the deficiencies can be removed to strengthen the block teaching.
5.How are the objectives communicated and deployed at all level to assure individual employee’s contribution for institutional development ?
The individual employee has freedom of expression and is made aware of objective of institution. Employees are members of various administrative committees. The meetings of these committees are held time to time. Governing body comprises social representatives, university & govt. nominees as well employees representatives. Contribution of every employees is assured through the responsibilities given to through administrative committees.
6.How and with frequency are the vision, mission and implementation plans monitored, evaluated and revised ?
The vision, mission and implementation are monitored, evaluated and revised timely.
(1) Progress of different assignments/activities are evaluated in meetings of staff and other stakeholders.
(2) Progress and results of assignments are recorded.
(3) Meetings of staff is held before and after of events like annual sports meet and prize distribution function.
(4) Results are considered for next academic session.
7.How does the institution plan and deploy the new technology?
Latest technologies are used for academic and administrative work of the institution. Library is computerized. For office works, computers are used. Smart boards are in seminar room, computer room and for class rooms, process is in progress.
6.4 Human Resource Management 1.How do you identify the faculty development needs and career progression of the staff ?
Faculty members are allowed to attend seminars, workshops, conferences of state, national and international level organized at different places. They are also allowed to attend the orientation and refresher fourses which are needed for their career promotion.
2.What are the mechanisms in place for performance assessment (teaching, research, service) of faculty and staff(Self-appraisal method, comprehensive evaluations by students and peers). Does the institution use the evaluations to improve teaching research and service of the faculty and other staff. Performance of different departments/aspects is assessed through feedback from stakeholders like students, practice school teachers & heads, alumni and others. However performance assessment of teaching & non-teaching staff is assessed through annual confidential report. The observations are used to improve teaching, research and other services/aspects of the institution.
3.What are the welfare measures for the staff and faculty ? (mention only those which affect and improve staff well-being satisfaction and motivation ).
1 Fee concession is given to the employee’s ward.
2 Wheat loan is provided to class bold/big employees if they apply as per govt. norms.
3 Social and cultural festivals are celebrated.
4 During various celebrations, members & officer bearers of governing body are invited . They also motivate the staff for better performance & cohesiveness.
4.Has the institution conducted any staff development programme for skill up-gradation and training of the teaching and non-teaching staff ? If yes, give details.
* For non-teaching staff, institution has provided training like computer & accounts to improve efficiency.
* Demonstration lessons are given by teachers, group discussions are held of educational relevance, activities related to up-gradation of intellectual as well as professional skills.
5.What are the strategies and implementation plans of the institution to recruit and retain diverse faculty and other staff who have the desired qualifications, knowledge and skill (Recruitment policy, align these with the requirements of the statutory and regulatory bodies (NCTE, UGC, University etc.) ?
(1) Faculty is appointed on sanctioned posts on regular basis through the procedure as per norms of govt., university, UGC and NCTE.
(2) In selection panel, there are university, govt., management nominees, subject experts are appointed by affiliating university and govt.
(3) Adhoc faculty is appointed by the Management through selection panel comprises management nominee, principal and subject experts.
(4)Service conditions are very good.
6.What are the criteria for employing part-time /Adhoc faculty ? How are the party-time/Adhoc faculty different from the regular faculty ? (E.g. salary structure, workload, specializations). Similar process is adopted for securitining of adhoc/part time faculty.
* Salary is given as per govt. norms.
* More incentives are given to faculty with NET & Ph.D.
* Workload is given as per norms.
7.What are the policies, resources and practices of the institution that support and ensure the professional development of the faculty ? (E.g. budget allocation for staff development, sponsoring for advanced study, research, participation in seminars, conferences, workshops, etc. and supporting membership and active involvement in local, state, national and international professional association). The institution promotes faculty improvements by :
1. National/state/local level associations.
2. Duty leave is provided to faculty to participate in seminars, workshops & conferences etc.
3. Faculty is supported financially (if required) to carry research work.
8.What are the physical facilities provided to faculty ? (Well-maintained and functional office, instructional and other space to carry out their work effectively).
The institution has sufficient infrastructure for different activities. Separate rooms have been allocated to different clubs and cells.
Cubical rooms have been provided to faculty members of M.Ed. course. Spacious staff room is available in college. Staff quarters are provided to faculty members. Computer & Internet facilities are available in college for students & faculty members.
9.What are the major mechanisms in place for faculty and other stakeholders to seek information and/or make complaints ? The institution has made a system to get information by faculty members/other stakeholder in the following ways:
a) Every notice/information from any related agency i.e. university/govt./NCTE/UGC etc are circulated among students and faculty members.
b) These are displayed on notice boards.
c) Office orders of management (related) are given to faculty members.
d) Society and alumni are informed through newspapers.
e) Students and faculty members and other stakeholders are informed by using technological medias like telephone, SMS and E-mail.
10.Detail on the workload policies and practices that encourage faculty to be engaged in a wide range of professional and administrative activities including teaching, research, assessment, mentoring, working with schools and community engagement. Teaching workload is given to faculty members as per govt./University/NCTE norms. However adjustments are made to promote faculty members to carry research and professional activities.
11.Does the institution have any mechanism to reward and motivate staff members ?
If yes, give details. The achievements of staff (teaching & non-teaching) are taken into account and are appreciated in annual report of college at the time of Annual Prize Distribution Function. Management & Principal also recognize & appreciate achievements of staff to motivate for enhancement. 6.5 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization 1.Does the institution get financial support from the government ? If yes, mention the grants received in the last three years under different heads. If no, give details of the source of revenue and income generated. The institution receives financial support from Govt. of Haryana towards salary of staff and from UGC under various heads under 2(f) and 12(b).
a) Salary from Govt. of Haryana
2008-09 Rs. 3880141
2009-10 Rs. 6484289
2010-11 Rs.7656480
b) Grants from UGC:
2008-09 Rs. nil
2009-10 Rs. 169238
2010-11 Rs.120000
2.What is the quantum of resources mobilized through donations ? Give information for the last three years. No donation is taken.
3.Is the operational budget of the institution adequate to cover the day-to-day expenses ? If no, how is the deficit met ? Yes, the operational budget of the institution is adequate to cover day-to-day expenses.
4.What are the budgetary resources to fulfill the missions and offer quality programs?
(Budget allocations over the past five years, depicted through income expenditure statements, future planning, resources allocated during the current year , and excess/deficit). For audited statement please see Annexure
5.Are the accounts audited regularly? If yes, give the details of internal and external audit procedures and information on the outcome of last two audits. (Major pending audit paras, objections raised and dropped). The accounts are audited regularly internally as well as externally. The internal audit is done by Bursar and Principal. External audit is done by university and Director General Higher Education of salary and Amalgamated Fund. C.A. is engaged for auditing. Has the institution computerized its finance management systems? If yes, give details. Financial management system is done manually as well as computerized.
6.6 Best Practices in Governance and Leadership. 1.What are the significant best practices in Governance and Leadership carried out by the institution ?
Efforts are made to create a conducive teaching-learning environment by following the norms & regulations set up by various authorities like management, university, HEC, UGC etc.
1. Regular meetings of QAC & IQAC are held to have an over view of the academic environment of the institution.
2. Suggestions made by any of the stakeholder are implemented simultaneously to provoke work-culture.
3. Our institution is primarily academically oriented and student focused.
4. The management best practices envisage the turning out of employable and socially sensitive teachers. The quality culture is initiated by visionary leadership and achieved by the missionary zeal of the institutional community as a whole.
5. The team work is encouraged by the institution & the bond created among different personnel is through working together for common mission & goals.
Governance and Leadership Additional Information
6. The college has an internal coordinating and monitoring system which functions through various committees.
7. The selection of teaching faculty is done by the duly constituted selection committee.
8. Non-sanctioned posts are filled by the management.
9. On e of the senior teacher acts as the college Bursar, for internal audit of expenditure and accounts.
10. There is a Women Cell , Grievance- Redressal Cell in the college.
11. There are representatives of teaching and non-teaching staff in the College Managing Committee.
12. Loans facility is available for teaching and non-teaching staff.
13 College has not entered into collaboration with other agencies for improving its institutional systems or its management operations.
The college has constituted different committees for smooth administration of the institution. These committees comprising not only the faculty members but also involve one member of governing body who is the expert of various areas. The concerned committee consults with the governing body member as and when required. Head of the schools is also consulted for smooth functioning of teaching practice session. Various awareness programmes are organized with the collaboration of other agencies like Civil Hospital and Red Cross Society. The institution avails services of J.E. for building construction.
3. The Management of the college has prepared a well defined perspective plan for the improvement and expansion of academic programmes in the college.
a) The college has P.G. course in education from 2005-06 with 35 seats.
b) The institution receives grant-in- aid from UGC time to time for enrichment of different labs and other infrastructural facilities.
c) The institution has developed collaboration with other agencies for administration and functioning of this colleges.
Criterion VII : Innovatives Practices
7.1 Internal Quality Assurance System
1. Has the institution established Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)? If yes, give its year of establishment, composition and major activities undertaken.
Yes, institution has established IQAC in the July 2002 to ensure quality improvement in the entire activities of the institution
1. Representative of the management.
2. Dr. Indu Rathee (Co-ordinator)
3. Dr. Surender Singh Rana (Member)
4. Dr Yashpal Singh Deswal (Member)
5. Dr. Ranju Malik (Member)
6. Rakamvir (Administrative Assistant)
7. Representative of Allumni association
8. Representative of students
_ Designing and implementation of goals and targets of institution for continuous improvement and quality enhancement.
_ Development and application of quality parameters for various academic, co-curricular and administrative activities of the institution.
_ Development and application of innovative practices regarding academic transaction, students achievement evaluation, teachers evaluation, teaching methods, research work and co-curricular activities etc.
_ Promotion of extension activities, seminars, workshops and training programmes etc.
_ Collaboration with different stakeholders i.e. teaching, non-teaching staff, students, students, parents, members of governing body and other community members to achieve the goals and unity of the institution.
2. Describe the mechanism used by the institution to evaluate the achievement of goals and objectives. Different committees constituted by the college critically analyze the efforts made by the institution to evaluate the achievement of goals and objectives. It also involve this evaluation of feedback received from students, Head of practice, teaching schools, alumni members and community members. All the feedback and evaluation are discussed in meetings comprising Principal, teaching and non-teaching staff twice in a academic session. The suggestions received from different concern are included for execution in next session activity plan.
3.How does the institution ensure the quality of its academic programmes ?
Curricular part of the academic programme is framed by the M.D. University and is followed by the institution with additional aspects as per the need of the students. In order to ensure the quality of its academic programmes, the institution made Academic Calendar comprising different academic and co-curricular activities before the commencement of the session. In includes extra classes, notes facility, organization of seminars, workshops, discussions which facilitate the slow learners and also the students of excellence. Quality of academic programmed is also ensured by discussing the matter in regular meetings of staff and principal.
4. How does the institution ensure the quality of its administration and financial management processes?
The institution adopted a decentralized process for administration and financial management. Different administration committees are formed at institutional level comprising one senior faculty member as convener and two as members. Students are also involved in the administration through various bodies like Academic Committee, Discipline Committee, Library Committee, Cultural Committee etc. All the committees plan and execute the development of the institution. Financial management process is as per norms. Institution has a purchase committee comprising three senior teachers. A senior lecturer works as bursar. Annual auditing is done by the chartered accountant.
5. How does the institution identify and share good practices with various constituents of the institution. In order to identify and share good practices with all constituents, the institution has made proper co-ordination by organizing periodical joint meetings of administrative and academic constituents interaction with the constituents helps in identifying and sharing good practice. Assessment performas are being used by different constituents regarding curriculum transaction, evaluations library etc.
7.2Inclusive Practice 1.How does the institution sensitise teacher to issues of inclusion and the focus given to these in the national policies and the school curriculum. „Inclusive Education is a compulsory subject in the curriculum of B.Ed. course. Special education is also a optional paper in M.Ed. course. Apart from this, faculty members get the knowledge about the policies and issues regarding inclusive education through newspapers, journals, periodicals and internet. Discussions, seminars and extension lectures are also organized on this issue in the campus. Teacher-educators with students visit „Koshish an institute of mentally challenged children to understand the real problems of this sector. Teacher educators conduct research work in inclusive education and promots the same in P.G. students.
2.What is the provision in the academic plan for students to learn about inclusion and exceptionalities as well as gender differences and their impact on learning. In B.Ed. and M.Ed. there is one theory paper i.e. Inclusive Education and Special Education respectively through which students get theoretical knowledges about the exceptional children. The institution organizes different activities like poster making, slogan writing, debate and poetic recitation based on inclusion and gender difference. The institution also organizes extension activities, extension lectures and seminars etc to sensitize the students regarding this issue.
3.Detail on the various activities envisioned in the curriculum to create learning environments that foster positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self-motivation.
_ In B.Ed. curriculum there are project works/work experiences which are related to community survey like (polio drive and first aid) , Mid Day Meal etc.
_ Students visit „Koshish‟, and other schools for educational and social interaction.
_ The institution celebrates important days and organizes other programmes in which community and alumni members are invited who provide an opportunity to the students to interact with them.
4.How does the institution ensure that student teacher develop proficiency for working with children from diverse backgrounds and exceptionalities ?
Through different theory papers, students are provided knowledge about individual differences of children and proper care and handling of them. Before the commencement of the teaching practice session, the institution provides orientation to the student teachers to understand each child individually to give them personal attention, especially the children with special needs.
5. How does the institution address to the special needs of the physically challenged and differently-abled students enrolled in the institution ?
The institution provides basic facilities such as ramps and smooth floor, special library facilities are provided to meet the needs of physically challenged and differently-abled students enrolled in the institution. Special attention and personal guidance is provided by the teachers to the students of partial sightedness and low hearing.
6. How does the institution handle and respond to gender sensitive issues (activities of women cell and other similar bodies dealing with gender sensitive issues) ?
The Institution is aware to handle gender sensitive issues. Women cell is active in the college. Special care is taken to avoid any discrimination. Women Cell ensures the active participation of girl students in every programme organized by the institution. Usually mixed groups are constituted for different purposes. Some of the activities of the women cell are :-
— Celebration of International and National Women’s Day.
— Extension lectures on gender sensitive issues like women empowerment, female foeticide etc
— Slogan Writing.
— Poster Making.
— Debate.
— Speech.
— Awareness Programmes.
7.3 Stakeholder Relationships
1. How does the institution ensure the access to the information on organizational performance (Academic and Administrative) to the stakeholders?
The institution ensures the access to the information on organizational performance to the stakeholders by displaying them on display board of the college, local newspapers, college magazine and on its website also. The institution invites stakeholders in different activities/functions organized in college campus and share institutional achievements and students excellence with them.
2.How does the institution share and use the information/data on success and failures of various, processes, satisfaction and dissatisfaction of students and stakeholders for bringing qualitative improvement ?
Data regarding various academic and administration aspects are collected from students and stakeholders through feedback Performas and through discussions at the time of different activities. Collected data is being shared and discussed in different committees to bring qualitative improvement.
3. What are the feedback mechanisms in vogue of collected collate and data from students, professional community, Alumni and other stakeholders on program quality?
How does the institution use the information for quality improvement? Different questionnaires are formed to ge information from stakeholders on program quality. The feedback is shared and discussed by staff members. Every possible effort is done for quality improvement if any shortcoming is highlighted by stakeholders.
The institution has developed certain performas to collect data from students and stakeholders. The students are to fill the performas in between after the completion of the programme regarding teachers quality, evaluation of the programme and other facilities. Community
members are also invited time to time to give suggestion for quality improvement. The student teachers also give feedback through suggestion box. All the collected feedback and suggestions are considered after analysis for quality improvement. Additional Information to be provided by institution opting for Re-accrediting.
1. How are the core values of NAAC reflected in the various functions of the institution?
_ The institution provides equal opportunities to various academic, co-curriculum and administrative activities.
_ Discussion, Seminars and Workshops are organized on current issues related to social and educational development.
_ B.Ed. and M.Ed. students are encouraged to select the topics for their project work and dissertation related to students problems regarding their educational, emotional and social adjustments.
_ The institution develops a well planned community linkage programme through celebration of various awareness programmes, alumni association, annual function and extension lectures etc.
_ The institution collaborates with other institutions and universities through teacher educators involvement in academic and administrative support to these institutions and university.
_ The institution provides opportunity to teacher educators for professional and personal growth.
_ The institution the opportunity to the student teachers to develop their teaching competencies through various sessions of skill-in-teaching.
_ The institution links ICT with traditional curriculum transaction methods.
_ Social, moral and spiritual values are developed among students through various activities and extension lectures.
_ Decentralized mechanism is adopted for administration. For planning and implementation of different issues, different stakeholders are taken into account.
_ Feedback mechanism is adopted from different corners for quality improvement.
_ The Governing Body, Principal and faculty members are dedicated to realization of MISSION, VISION, GOALS and VALUES of the institution which are target to national integration, peace humanity and international harmony.